President Trump's administration has asked an appeals court to put on hold a judge's decision forcing it to comply with his order barring it from freezing federal grants, loans and other financial assistance, saying it constituted "intolerable judicial overreach."
“Dear Judge,
Let me keep doing that bad, illegal, unconstitutional and harmful thing and stop the other judge from stopping me from doing that bad, illegal, unconstitutional, harmful thing.
Or you will be sorry.
Yours in kleptokakistocracy,
Der Fuhrer Trump
Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 2 L.Ed. 60 (1803) (Marshall, C.J.).
This is the fucking asshole who’s colluded with Russians, coerced civil servants and foreign leaders, caused an insurrection, and ripped off thousands.
And they are still not complying, they are just not coming out and definitively saying ‘we won’t comply’. Should be reported as being as if they were.
Is it at all a good sign that they actually appealed instead of just strong-arm ignoring the ruling?
My take is that the Trump administration is *playing* the Ds, not "playing along" in cahoots. Basically, I believe the Trump administration is going to keep doing what it's doing until someone stops them by force.
What's infuriating is that by this point the Dems should be well versed in Republican games and should damn well start fighting back.
Yeah, what's going on right now is a grim will to power, and Dem leaders are coming across as weak-willed.
Intolerable is lying to the court- pretending you have the ultimate authority.
Also intolerable is how the media is downplaying this.
At that point we find out whether Pam Bondi will order Marshals to ignore judges.
That's the Rubicon. Readers want to know when it might get crossed.
I chose a red line beyond which I think even centrists may be willing to resort to illegal tactics to fight a lawless president.
The press needs to admit that line can be crossed, and ask experts how close we are to the line.
And that's why we should writing to the judges involved and urging them to get us to that moment as fast as possible.
And we all know damn well the GOP will 100% support this.