I don't want Labour MPs to be 'uneasy' about a Labour Govt penalising the disabled instead of raising taxes on the wealthiest. I want them to be wracked with guilt and shame and questioning how they find themselves in a party that acts like the Tories.
"Realpolitik" rather than basic human rights and a decent standard of living for the most vulnerable.
I think we should abolish private schools, there's no reason they can't go to school with our kids, they may learn some empathy.
This Labour is awful for the poor.
You came put of it with your morals intact at least.
You are so lucky to live in such an isolated, privileged world where your real world knowledge is from newspaper articles and reports
All the punitive laws introduced by the Tories are still in place, plus they add their own.
They're no better than US political parties, they just do it in a more boring, British way.
the Tories.
These people are ethical and moral vacuums who discarded these desirable attributes as detrimental to their political careers.