So the NYT and WaPo are lost. (Cancelled both a year ago.)
There's a huge journalism space to fill, millions of readers looking to find a home. A new American newspaper of record, editorially independent, fact-based, with field offices. No tabloid crap, no propagandists.
That’s a good question. I don’t think there are any publications that I can think of that aren’t serving their owner’s agendas. I cancelled my WaPo subscription last October and the NYT last month.
I could never stand the conceit of that vaunted “wall” between opinion and news. The separation is more like a bulkhead in a ship. Everyone at the paper will sink because of the fascist-friendly Opinions page, even if Bezos doesn’t come for the reporters right away (and he will). Abandon ship.
Little does Bezos realize, he's not in the clear from the Orange Abomination's (OA) wrath.
OA always makes people do things they wouldn't normally do, letting them think they will be safe if they just accomodate him "this one time."
Without fail, those people lose everything, everytime, in the end.
And no, sorry, but "what about the good journalists" doesn't fly. If you're on a boat with Nazis and you row instead of using the oar to bash Nazi skulls before jumping off, you are a Nazi.
Past time for Woodward and Bernstein to comment and depart. Or just depart.
Their legacy is entirely endangered by any #WaPo alliance. Standing up to a corrupt president is what the Post and Woodward and Bernstein do.
Do it again.
You want Bob Woodward, who withheld information (tapes) where Trump described his terrible COVID response, until he could sell a new book to do the right thing?
Nobody's perfect. Sharp elbows abound in his profession.
But this is a no-brainer. Standing up to a corrupt president is his legacy and this cancels it out.
I am sorry for and thank all the quality journalist who do the hard work at WAPO. I'm one of those who canceled my subscription last October. I am watching WAPO do its death spiral and hoping to see many of you continuing your work in another place.
The WSJ editorial pages already have the “free market” Masters of the Universe perspective all wrapped up. It’s not like this POV needs any more amplification.
Jeff Bezos says he will only champion "personal freedom" from now on. This is old, right-wing theology: accumulating wealth (property) w/o restraint is the only liberty we need to protect. BS. Rich guy liberty. FDR offered his 4 freedoms: speech, worship, & freedom from want & freedom from fear.
Of course, we have to acknowledge that most of the media is owned by self-interested oligarchs or giant corporations, as were the media organizations of the past. Bezos' capitulation to Trump and to his essential nature sits near the end of a long slide away from the public interest.
Trying to persuade my household to do the same. Ordinary people made Jeff Bezos wealthy. Not with WAPO subscriptions- with Amazon purchases. How dare he now lord his wealth over our democracy and use his wealth to destroy the legitimacy of free press.
This is really disappointing. I've always loved the Washington Post, and I had thought of Bezos as one of the good guys. Sorry to learn how wrong I've been about him.
Why would anyone be so interested in reading an opinion page vetted by a random billionaire. I mean I truly am not interested in what Bezos thinks about anything. He comes across as a shallow, uninteresting human being.
Beyond his self-interest, we can guess that no BeZoWaPo "personal liberties" opinions will support reading various amendments to the Constitution as implying a broad right to privacy ... and that no BeZoWaPo's "free markets" opinions will push for cutting billions in tax breaks for Big Oil.
"What is clear is that Bezos no longer wants to own an independent news organization. He wants a megaphone and a political tool that will benefit his own commercial interests."
Stopped that before the election. I actually loo up every company before I spend money. It’s all intentional spending now. I am intentional with every dollar I spend.
Interesting quote from Bezos pictured here. "What's dangerous is not to evolve." Funny that guy who went to Princeton confuses the words "evolve" with "capitulate."
You've been too easy on him. You were saying until recently he would still listen to people if he showed up at the offices. His opinion is the only one that matters to him, and that's been obvious since he hired the Murdoch crew last summer, which is when I canceled my subscription.
WaPo is my hometown paper. Been a reader since the mid-50's. I don't remember when I started my own subscription. And then I stopped. Severing those ties was was as necessary as it was painful. This whole thing sucks.
There's a huge journalism space to fill, millions of readers looking to find a home. A new American newspaper of record, editorially independent, fact-based, with field offices. No tabloid crap, no propagandists.
Who can fill the void?
OA always makes people do things they wouldn't normally do, letting them think they will be safe if they just accomodate him "this one time."
Without fail, those people lose everything, everytime, in the end.
And no, sorry, but "what about the good journalists" doesn't fly. If you're on a boat with Nazis and you row instead of using the oar to bash Nazi skulls before jumping off, you are a Nazi.
Says USA's most storied newspaper📰
So shut up & eat your Gruel peasants 🏰
Christ 👑 🙏 😳
Maybe because he can.
It's just a matter of time before he starts interfering with the news articles too.
Their legacy is entirely endangered by any #WaPo alliance. Standing up to a corrupt president is what the Post and Woodward and Bernstein do.
Do it again.
But this is a no-brainer. Standing up to a corrupt president is his legacy and this cancels it out.
Well, you'd KNOW... ya friggin mutie
Capitalism over Democracy. 😱
Pravda on the Potomac
Bezos’ note reads like a Fred Koch memo for the John Birch society
1. NYT
2. Broadcast/cable news (Netflix & Discovery+ only)
3. WaPo
4. Instagram/Threads (never used FB)
1. Multiple Substack subscriptions
2. 5 Calls app
3. Bluesky
4. Books 📚
WaPo sharing columnist with Washington Examiner!
We didn’t know Shipley was out the door at the time …
People need to stop making that mistake.
Boycott it.