I was proud of myself for actually picking up some of what the Quebec premier said in French at the news conference today. I just find quebecois a little too fast, but that may just be me being rusty.
Btw I recommend finding yourself a French language series, turning audio and Cc to French and start watching. You’d be amazed how much you’ll improve your comfort level.
Radio Canada is a great way to learn French by watching News and also French Canadian shows!! Keep the good work, it’s nice knowing many Anglo Canadians want to get bilingual and learn the other official language.
It isn’t but it also depends on the person. Some québécois have a very thick accent and others are pretty formal. Really depends on the region too. Surely not the same accent as France French but it is still French after all!
Interesting. I'm trying to reduce my Canadian raising so that I can tell people the border is further North. Maybe get them to keep walking all the way into James Bay.
Sign me up.