It's a paradox, for sure. Real games definitively have no life, so the only opportunity for drama is drama they create. "BENZO HAS A BLUE PIXEL IN HIS HAIR IN THE 1941 COMIC" "that's a print defect in your copy" "YOU ARE "
I used to be a real gamer, until I took a wife in the knee.
(We *literally* met in Dalaran, although I still begrudge her for saying that to the immigration guy when I was getting my greencard -- which I applied for 8 years before we got married)
But people should care about something like that if they want better games just look at the clusterfuck that became blizzard everybody just bit the bullet and now look at the little goblin sitting under the bridge where it once Sat in a Skyscraper......
I used to be a real gamer, until I took a wife in the knee.
Because complaining the game is trash while playing it for 24h hours straight surely enhances the experience obtained from it.
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