People who hit their indicator light while they are making the turn. Not that I trust indicator lights in general. That lack of trust saved me from two accidents this year alone.
My sister in law, a grown ass woman, cheats at our family card game. There is nothing to win. We play dozens of times over the visit so there aren’t even bragging rights. THERE IS NO REASON TO CHEAT!
Sorry, this set me off. Clearly I agree. 😂
My ex-spouse used to steal money from my pile in Monopoly. Also would move one or more chess pieces. There was no reason to cheat. Spouse did it just to see if I'd notice.
Bad grammar/word usage by public officials and newscasters. You would think they had never taken a grammar class. Especially use of "you and I, versus you and me"
Let's add the failure of subject/verb agreement by journalists, newscasters and public officials.
It's: There ARE people. There ARE many, a lot, and groups, etc.
Oh, don't get me started.
I’m a bit forgiving when it’s impromptu, but if it’s for any prepared situation, then I deem them incompetent. I can’t ever forgive a supposed professional saying, “I seen”, though.
I nearly answered, when someone tells me to smile. But that’s not being petty, ladies! Embrace that (resting or not) bitch face! You don’t owe that guy a smile.
People who sit on the aisle seat of a train, so you have to ask them to get up so you can sit down.
Often the same tw@ts who leave their bags on seats on busy trains.
Drivers who think they have to turn and look at you when they talk instead of keeping their eyes on the goddamned road. I'm right next to you. I can hear you when you talk straight ahead!
Drivers with their left turn blinkers on who closely follow the cars turning left even after the light has turned red. Everyone else has to wait for them to clear the intersection. Why aren't we all honking at these fools?
People who don’t bother to flush in a public restroom. Ffs. People who don’t clean up after themselves in public spaces. I’m pissed off sitting here thinking about it.
The classic issue of returning shopping carts! If you go to Aldis do you leave the quarter in the cart in case somebody else forgot? Do you take the time to put the cart back or make it somebody else’s problem like absolute human scum, undeserving of rights or redemption
Confused - backing into a space makes coming out quicker - you have to wait once anyway so why does it matter and why are small cars worse? It takes me less time to back in as it’s much easier than manoeuvring in forwards!
It is so completely illogical. Either you pull in and then back out OR you back in (holding up freaking EVERYBODY) and then pull out! Either way it's a pull in + a back out!!! One is no better or easier than the other
It depends on the parking lot. I always back in at the Costco near me when I have my truck because the aisles are more narrow than they should be. If another pickup parks across from me and doesn't pull all the way in, it sucks to back out.
If you pull in to a park, you’re backing out into a larger open space so I reckon is easier. Plus if you’re food shopping (or have lots of bags) it’s harder to get to the boot if you’ve backed in.
I think people who back into parks are just trying to show off.
Waiting for them to do it pisses me off. No, it's fine. I'll just sit here. I got the memo YOU were important.
If it takes more than one try, I've contemplated jail time. I'm not even joking
People forgetting to throw out water bottles, digging through their overstuffed carry-on’s & bags for cameras, phones, laptops, loose change at the airport X-ray machines. We’ve been doing this for 20+ years, folks! Get it together!
I come from a background that named its meals breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but moved to an area where it’s locally breakfast, dinner, and supper, so it’s often been confusing.
I come from a breakfast, lunch and supper family. Dinner was reserved for not eating at home. Going out for dinner vs staying home for supper. Same meal, different place
Pre-selling books. I understand the reasoning behind this and I don't care. If you have a book available for me to buy NOW then I will make a decision on whether or not to buy it now. If the book isn't going to be available for 3 months then ask again in 3 months.
How much time ya got?
Parking in a fire lane.
Waiting for someone to back into a parking spot.
Not shoveling your sidewalks.
Blocking the aisle with your cart.
The Daja has held this grudge for 25 years.
Eldest graduated from kindergarten, we moved
They did not have K graduation for the Daja.
Eldest then got a 6th grade graduation aaaaand we moved. Daja didn’t get 6th grade graduation.
Poor thing.
This is becoming more common here, older sky accounts are putting people on lists to act as gatekeepers to the town square. They see this as property they control.
The numb guy added bunch of large resis accounts just in spite.
yield means YIELD , give way means GIVE WAY ..... not a difficult concept.
i NEVER let anyone in , i made a vehicle crash into a bridge abutment and the driver called the police , the driver was charged with DANGEROUS DRIVING , STUNT DRIVING , and lost his license on the spot.
Merging is different. Neither lane has right of way, whereas YIELD means you wait for an opening. Your pride in never letting someone merge is childish at best.
A real pet peeve of mine. SM ccounts that initiate follows only for follow backs, cluttering your feed.
Easier to spot over time, their only reposts - themselves and of other large accounts they wish to be associated with.
Get outof my feed!.. I yell to the clouds, lol.
Coming almost to a stop at a roundabout when there are no other cars coming from any direction - almost divorced hubby when I noticed he was “one of them”!
When a family of 5 takes up an aisle in the grocery store and I stop and hug the side I’m on, I STILL have to move to accommodate one of them going by. Yes, it’s petty. Same with sidewalks.
“a myriad of…”
No. It’s just “myriad”. (Apparently in some dictionaries the incorrect version is acceptable now, due to use. Irregardless, fuck that. 🤡)
“Proactive” Is a word that really shits me.
At work, people leaving dirty dishes on bench or in sink when the empty dishwasher is RIGHT THERE.
The fact that the Trumpster always claims that he went to Wharton. He didn’t. Wharton is the graduate school; he has an undergraduate degree from Penn.
I was at Target. A guy was backing into a spot that had a cart in it. I ran to move the cart. He got out of his car, saying, "I have a backup camera." I said "That's great asshole, I'm putting this fucking cart right back where I found It". I put the cart back behind his car.
when a store is short staffed or lines are backed up so that it takes a while to get to you but there are self service kiosks available, people refuse to use the kiosk and insist a human take their order/ring them up.
I counter with when someone in the elevator, is hidden behind the buttons & are on their phone. You think it's clear to get in the elevator & then they decide to get out at a casual pace, looking at you like you're barging in.
When they drive their cart in the dead centre is worse! Then you can’t even get around them when you’re trying to shoot them the side eyed death glare!
Listen, it’s just rude.
Sorry, this set me off. Clearly I agree. 😂
It's: There ARE people. There ARE many, a lot, and groups, etc.
Oh, don't get me started.
In January.
In Canada.
It's a divorceable offence since it's ALWAYS my hubs who does it.
Often the same tw@ts who leave their bags on seats on busy trains.
My screen name fires my only warning shot.
That same person who gives snarky responses they think are terribly clever… they’re not.
as an aside ..... it saves the blinker fluid.
I think people who back into parks are just trying to show off.
If it takes more than one try, I've contemplated jail time. I'm not even joking
And I don't think it's petty.
Tom Petty (1950-2017)
Honorable Mention: "Noone." I mean, come on. It doesn't even look like a word. Because it isn't.
Also, when people die that on street sweeping days and snow removal days, but that's not petty.
Parking in a fire lane.
Waiting for someone to back into a parking spot.
Not shoveling your sidewalks.
Blocking the aisle with your cart.
Maybe I'm just an angry elf.
And why do I care?
Eldest graduated from kindergarten, we moved
They did not have K graduation for the Daja.
Eldest then got a 6th grade graduation aaaaand we moved. Daja didn’t get 6th grade graduation.
Poor thing.
I say it a "little" louder than I normally do when I get a "thank you" in return.
It’s my little fuck you.
They get it.
It's honestly KILLING me.
Just remind me! I'm an adult!
The numb guy added bunch of large resis accounts just in spite.
i NEVER let anyone in , i made a vehicle crash into a bridge abutment and the driver called the police , the driver was charged with DANGEROUS DRIVING , STUNT DRIVING , and lost his license on the spot.
those drivers have to wait , it is inconsiderate.
People who merge early are the ones who are actually the wrong ones.
merge lanes in towns the vehicle in the merge lane has to wait until there is room , NOT barge in.
the driver in the lane that DOESN'T end DOESN'T HAVE TO WAIT.
the POLICE have prosecuted 4 drivers that i ran into at a merge.
no need to share when the LAW is your SIDE.
I rest my case. 😂
Actually, that's not petty. Those guys are fucking assholes.
Easier to spot over time, their only reposts - themselves and of other large accounts they wish to be associated with.
Get outof my feed!.. I yell to the clouds, lol.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. ALONE. WITH MY PUDDING.
The BK guy singing in tv ads
Ok, that’s 3, but I rarely get to vent.
Only Greg Graffin gets it right.
No. It’s just “myriad”. (Apparently in some dictionaries the incorrect version is acceptable now, due to use. Irregardless, fuck that. 🤡)
“Proactive” Is a word that really shits me.
At work, people leaving dirty dishes on bench or in sink when the empty dishwasher is RIGHT THERE.
Listen, just tell me what you want. Skip the pleasantries and be blunt. I'll respect you more instead of pretending to care for your own benefit.