This is what I've been saying.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
New in PN: Trump ran on identity politics and won
"Trump built his coalition by stoking shared grievances. He didn’t campaign on making life better for certain identity groups. He campaigned by mobilizing people against ones they loathe and fear."
"Trump built his coalition by stoking shared grievances. He didn’t campaign on making life better for certain identity groups. He campaigned by mobilizing people against ones they loathe and fear."
This was all a Russian opp.
The real villain in the destruction of America is corporate media normalizing & fomenting trump/GOP hate
It plays to the “I’ll tell 100 people about a bad experience and 10 about a good one”
Guess which one gains traction, agreement, and lingers in peoples minds.
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders...tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger." Hermann Goring Vice-Chancellor of Nazi Germany
He sliced Americans up like a 🥧 & Fed them fear
They were duped so bad they didn't believe💩 we tried 2 tell them
We need 2 win em back
Open their 👀 2 more lies
This is how we #UNITEAMERICA 🇺🇸
shall we show them why?
Take their guns
Teach their kids
Clean up *their* tent city slums
I thought you’d appreciate this Trumpian quote:
“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you, and your country, can do for me!”
The Democrats fail to learn this lesson at our peril.
Who do we turn our ire towards?
The uber rich, for one. We need to redefine "elite" to mean people with money instead of people with an education.
Republicans are the ones who redefined the word. Gotta give them credit, they're good at that.
He ran on hate, victim-blaming and convincing fools he was their great white hope.
I'm all for writing freedom and articulation, but don't paint these next 4 years as anything but a con artist running the biggest con of his lifetime.
And yes, men hate women, women hate women, majority of whites and significant numbers of Latinos, fear people of color. It’s bizarre to watch weeks of commentary that avoids using the actual words, misogyny and racism.
Identification Of Enemies As A Unifying Cause.
Too many indescrepancies & interference to trust the results. And a cheater DIDN'T cheat this time? Really??? The ONE time that matters? Hmmmm🤔
Why is this news?
Monitor those in power, act as watchdogs against abuses of power, challenge those abuses and sound the alarm about wrongdoing and wrongful policies. Then kick ass in the 2026 Mid-Terms when people have seen the trump-swamp's overreach.