I think it's partly because in this age of mis/disinformation, opinions have somehow become equally credible as facts. People believe what they choose to believe and can find evidence to support their beliefs regardless of the actual truth. The truth no longer matters.
My PI gave me a bit of perspective on this once after a few gripe sessions on my part. He said something like, "Instead of being angry at their stupidity, you should be grateful you aren't one of them or you would never know it."
It's like synergy I think. The stupid just gets magnified by being around more stupid.
I know I have fallen victim to it at times. I think I'm intelligent but give me a chance to wear team colors and wave something shiny and I'll want to fall right into the pack. Another thing to #resist
Education failed them. Also, the parents. All of that. Stupid kids make stupid adults, and you can't fix stupid in an adult, but you can fix stupid in a kid pretty easily.
They are so fucking stupid they don't know they're stupid, thus they are still stupidly stupid, and don't recognize their utter stupidity
Does that cover it?
They were told they are stupid too many times and they just gave up. They were not told enough that they are stupid and they are delusional. Yes you can’t win with stupid.
Just accept they will always be with us.Be practical on how to limit damage. You don’t see many of them parking in handicap spots bc they’re smart enough not to risk the penalty. Dem leaders didn’t set up messaging against theT machine.
The T machine/RU was like missile strikes on the stupid.
Since nearly everyone walks around with a computer in their pocket where they can find answers to almost anything, we've proven it's not lack of access to information.
I know people who are kind & perhaps not as bright as others. I know extremely smart people who are mean & clueless. The reverse is also true. Integrity, morality, empathy, & compassion are the litmus tests. A strong EQ can overcome many intellectual shortcomings. But, I'm dumb, so there's that.😃
I generally despise all manner of stupid but some people just got the short end of the stick in that regard. The proud to be stupid can fuck all the way off.
Then they listen to the grade 8 educated guy using bad grammar, with a bad hair cut pretending he all be about the working class while given a silver spoon up his ass and his billionaire friends.
Typically because they strive to be the smartest in their group. Whereas intelligent and intellectual may seek to be among the smartest in the room to learn and ask questions from. One seeks to be propped up, the other seeks enlightenment.
For a lot of people, it's because they're just too tired to think about anything once they're finished working their azzez off to make someone else rich
Short of physiological reasons, typically an environment of dysfunction coupled with a lack of adequate resources, to be properly informed on interacting with others and being formally educated with an open mental framework.
Because smart, but not good, people were so smart they figured out if you can make the dumb dumber there will be no one left to question what you’re doing..
Because our schools suck.
Because their parents don't make sure they learn anydamnthing.
Because our schools suck.
Because we allow our schools to suck.
Because our parents didn't stress education.
Because our schools suck.
Some people are stupid, and others are maliciously ignorant. The GOP keeps the base purposefully uneducated because they are easier to manipulate and control. Average American IQ is only 98.
Pollution, substance abuse--in other words, a chemical lobotomy is responsible for a remarkable degree of their impairment.
Often a physical traumatic brain injury may have occurred more than once. Then there may be developmental issues from neglect.
-Radioactive substances
I know I have fallen victim to it at times. I think I'm intelligent but give me a chance to wear team colors and wave something shiny and I'll want to fall right into the pack. Another thing to #resist
So let’s raise a toast to the stupid – may their confidence forever outweigh their competence!
They are so cocksure with their fake facts, it’s embarrassing.
Can't be stupid if you're worm food.
Does that cover it?
Never forget the story Tim Russert's book he told about what Sen Moynihan said to him
That his coming up in a family w/little gave him knowledge the best I've League educated folks will never learn nor understand
The T machine/RU was like missile strikes on the stupid.
Donald J. Duhhhh
AWOL Bush, the coke head
Reagan the bimbo
Failing upwards their entire lives.
to postulate a theory.
So here's mine.......!
The idea is to keep people uneducated/gullible.
Then they listen to the grade 8 educated guy using bad grammar, with a bad hair cut pretending he all be about the working class while given a silver spoon up his ass and his billionaire friends.
WE have made it ok for the mentally disabled to seek the help needed.
But the mentally incapacitated thought we meant it was safe for them.
Some people did not get enough stardust.
Glenna passed away in 1997. I miss her very much.
And we're still living under the disastrous Reagan economic model! Sucks!
I'm sorry, what did you ask?
Because their parents don't make sure they learn anydamnthing.
Because our schools suck.
Because we allow our schools to suck.
Because our parents didn't stress education.
Because our schools suck.
Asking for Don Jr(et al.)
Like the guy who thinks the pyramid scheme is ‘just a really good business model.’
Welcome to the era where reality is optional and ‘stupid’ is the new smart.
The average person is quite stupid.
And half of the people are more stupid than that.
I'd make it in the form of a lemon drop candy. That way when someone asked me if I'm calling them stupid I could respond, "Take two, they're small."
hair Twittler has had them red-face, freaking out about everything from pets being eaten to bathroom stalls for months now.
Maybe ignorance is just easier?
Why are stupid people so plentiful, and loud?
Often a physical traumatic brain injury may have occurred more than once. Then there may be developmental issues from neglect.
-Radioactive substances
HMU if you want to review science journal articles on those issues.
Also, karma.