Nope. English is only the operating language of the government. Kind of like not establishing a religion, we don’t pick and choose in a nation of Immigrants
So, the White House account is now a source of white nationalist taking points? Guess they should have seen that coming when they originally made it white. 😒
Exactly, and even when they are all spoke the same language, the founding fathers still saw the wisdom of not having an official language, which was common in monarchies. This points out the foolishness of the EO perfectly.
Wait did the Whitehouse just admit that the constitution was written in a foreign language? Why wasn't it written in American? Have we considered sending ICE to the constitution's house to round up it and its family?
This nonsense seems like a case of “Look here! Look here! And not over there where we’re defying the law… or over there where we’re unjustly sacking people… or there, where we’re abandoning our allies… or there, where we’re destroying the constitution!”
Thought magats wanted America first! Seems trump wants to subjugate us to the English.
Surprised the idiot didn’t proclaim “American” as the new official language.
On par with the “Gulf of America” idiocy🙄
It needs to be shredded
And replaced with Turtle Island's promise to itself and others
Which is: to do our best with what we've already got n try hard not to fuck you over
while also being pretty fkn funny and great dancers 😁👍
'Cause I want to live in the country that thinks THAT about themselves
So if southern people do not speak proper English, will they be arrested. I am from the south originally, but I cri ge when someone bawls water or puts awl in their car.
Are we sure? Seems like the first move in a longer term plan. Immigrant, you have two years to learn English. There will be a test. You won’t get to stay if not fluent. We will no longer print government materials in other languages including ballots. You may only speak English in public…
Mein kampf was written in German. Trump's copy probably wasn't. What's their point? The magna carta is written in latin and the English nobility spoke French. Fucking morons
Living in another country as an American I feel thankful that I was able to have some information presented in English as I settled (without anger). I speak fluent French now, but no one becomes fluent overnight and we have to consider that. This is just ridiculous.
Dear WH ...Mississippi , the name , is of Ojibe via French origin .....Montana is of Spanish origin , Nebraska , is of Chiwre via French origin . Actually 27 states have names from Native American languages . Maybe Trump will decide to change those state names those of English origin .!!!
The Declaration of Independence (from England) was also written in English. Which serves as a reminder that English is the language of the English, not the Americans. America is a country of many languages and has been since before there was even an America.
Well wait, does that mean we have to speak Washington's dialect as well? Doth thou quiver a thought to sequester thine own verbosity to gain a deeper understanding of the sound? In other words, do these people even hear themselves talk?
In 2011, the International Business Times repeated an unverified claim that Donald Trump's paternal grandfather Frederick Trump changed his name from Drumpf to Trump, possibly to avoid anti-German sentiment popular at the time.(sic)
Unfortunately thr r plenty o people out there that are easily distracted by the next shiny thing the English language thing was nothg but a distraction & an insult 2 the American people that they would even work on this during this time.
At the State of the Union. learn some Russian insults to yell
I’m surprised Trump didn’t declare “American” the official language, just like the “Gulf of America.” But at least now we can call him a “bloody twat wanker” or some such thing.
They don't follow the Constitution either, so what is this even trying to say? Look a document we don't follow was written in language we barely comprehend because our faces are buried in trump's ass so far we have shit for brains?
Serious question- how long until the EO dictating that, since we have the largest population of native speakers, it is now called “American” rather than “English?”
Seems the right amount of arrogant/stupid for the moment
It was written in English... and yet neither Trump nor his supporters can seem to understand it or adhere to it. The same holds true for things like the Hatch Act, the Budapest Memorandum, and a load of U.S. laws. All in English, but ignored by Trump and his fellow traitors.
The idiocracy is strong.
Didn't occur to them that the original leaders were white guys from English speaking countries after we destroyed the actual natives.
Perhaps the authors speaking/writing English was a mitigating factor? They also promptly translated to other languages, knowing we are a multilingual nation.
Uh, that's because they were English. These dimwits are just that - dimwits.
Ask the indigenous folks if English is the official language. I bet you'd get a firm fuck off...from every single one.
President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama lived in it. I was hoping Kamala Harris would live in it, but alas, the morons and idiots elected a completed congenital moron.
I do. There are reasons this matters. It rescinds a mandate that required the government and organizations that received federal funding to provide language assistance to non-English speakers, for one.
Apparently the king has been elevated to do anything including writing laws using EOs.
Biden should have expanded the court in 2021 to 13 justices, one per jurisdiction as was done when the jurisdictions grew to 9.
And this is what our Congress is focused on ? Not inflation , not hunger , not health care , not peace .. but something no one gives a shit about .
Speaker Mike Johnson is a fucking joke .
English is the foremost example of cultural appropriation in human history. I think it's funny that nearly every word in Trump's proclamation originated from Old French, Latin, and the Old English derivative of Germanic dialects. At some point, every one of his words was an immigrant.
The US has never had an official language because the Founders knew that the people, including themselves, spoke multiple languages. Being multilingual is more 'American' than only speaking English.
From the link source: Printed by the same firm that printed the German-language Broadside in 1777.; The Declaration in German could have been published on July 5, 1776, which would precede the English publication to the public on July 6, making this document the earliest public printing.
The US has never had an official language because the Founders knew that the people, including themselves, spoke multiple languages. Being multilingual is more 'American' than only speaking English.
Our first books were printed in Algonquin, as were the first bibles. Finding a common language was more important than deciding that a particular language was what everyone should speak.
Shouldn't the president of the US be capable of actually being able to speak the "official" language of the country before declaring it official? They don't teach English in 🍊🐔💩🤡 school I guess.
From what I understand Trump isn’t a great reader. Maybe we should have had a requirement that Presidential candidates read out loud, and define all parts of the Constitution and how they apply, before we elect them to defend it. Instead of just electing those with deep pockets full of dark money.
So, now that Deor Lēdere hath declared Englishe to henceforth be the officale language of these Unyted States, I have one burnyng questioun for his ever-supportive vassals:
Enjoyinge those low egȝ prices and chepe gas yet, MAGA?
And most Americans haven't read it, or the Constitution with the Bill of Rights and Amendments. In fact, maga have told me that they are the same. They don't know they are separate documents.
Many of its authors were fluent in French and Latin. They weren't establishing a new kingdom. They were speaking the rights of Humankind. Which is the same as speaking against a future king. E.g. the #ManchurianCantaloupe
IMPEACH is a word, a symbol comprised of letters.
If you REMOVE a letter of some law what means?
Nopeolion can go live in EXILE on his new colony on Mars.
The Constitution was written by the 13 former British colonies so of course it was in English. But then the US started acquiring territory that was colonized by the French and Spanish and originally settled by people with a plethora of languages. And accepted immigrants from all over the world.
And dragged in people speaking multiple African languages as slaves. Then all those people speaking multiple languages became citizens under that Constitution. So we arrive at a variation of the eternal question, "Who's 'we', white (Anglo Saxon) man?"
We sure do a shitty job educating kids
German translations were made in Maryland, Pennsylvania and a few other states
That seems to elude these MAGAts.
Surprised the idiot didn’t proclaim “American” as the new official language.
On par with the “Gulf of America” idiocy🙄
And replaced with Turtle Island's promise to itself and others
Which is: to do our best with what we've already got n try hard not to fuck you over
while also being pretty fkn funny and great dancers 😁👍
'Cause I want to live in the country that thinks THAT about themselves
What language will it be in 30 days? RUSSIAN?
Their rush to destruction is going to be their end.
The United Nations Head Office is in New York, USA.
Yet America is not a leader of diplomacy or liberty nowadays.
🇺🇸 is a fascist regime that speaks of finance and then looks after the oligarchs & forgets the people.
Please refrain from using English - you tarnish it.
In 2011, the International Business Times repeated an unverified claim that Donald Trump's paternal grandfather Frederick Trump changed his name from Drumpf to Trump, possibly to avoid anti-German sentiment popular at the time.(sic)
At the State of the Union. learn some Russian insults to yell
The returns were a tie between German and English.
Seems the right amount of arrogant/stupid for the moment
Didn't occur to them that the original leaders were white guys from English speaking countries after we destroyed the actual natives.
Ask the indigenous folks if English is the official language. I bet you'd get a firm fuck off...from every single one.
Trump cannot, legally, change the law without an act of Congress.
It's a non-starter when the courts and Congress stand up on their hind legs and put Trump back in the small box he belongs in.
Biden should have expanded the court in 2021 to 13 justices, one per jurisdiction as was done when the jurisdictions grew to 9.
Speaker Mike Johnson is a fucking joke .
Equally true, different resonance, eh?
Our first books were printed in Algonquin, as were the first bibles. Finding a common language was more important than deciding that a particular language was what everyone should speak.
He’s never read it.
Enjoyinge those low egȝ prices and chepe gas yet, MAGA?
The Constitution is written in cursive.
US Schools don't teach cursive anymore.
In a generation the Constitution
of the United States of America
will be written in a foreign language
to US schoolchildren.
So, I ask again, are we done with Nazis yet?
(And if I worked for Sharpie, I'd find a box that did not pass QC and send it to him.)
Isn’t England a foreign country? Not very America First of the Trump admin.
The incompetence.
If you REMOVE a letter of some law what means?
Nopeolion can go live in EXILE on his new colony on Mars.
“Hey guys! I was looking at this Constitution thingie, and the Declaration of that whatever, and guess what! I think they’re written in English!”
“English” language = language of the British.
America is not original 🤣🤣🤣