Of course to be successful, demagogues have to master the communications technology of their era.
Whether it’s word of mouth, moveable type, books and pamphlets, newspapers, seminars and mass meetings (or “re-education camps”), radio, TV, whatever … /4.
Whether it’s word of mouth, moveable type, books and pamphlets, newspapers, seminars and mass meetings (or “re-education camps”), radio, TV, whatever … /4.
Stop whining and start winning, in other words.
Nor is the current situation a result of the mythical Trump penchant for “transactional” deals. /5.
Such people reach a point where they can no longer afford not to be in power.
Because their liberty and, often, life are at stake. /6.
These things are possible, but by no means certain, based on openly available sources.
They’re unnecessary to explain Trump’s behaviour. /7.
Not identical, of course.
Trump judges that a friendly modus vivendi with Putin is in his personal interest. And his personal interest - I don’t think this is a state secret - is what motivates him. /8.
These align well with Putin (and Xi).
The intention is a global carve up.
One in which anyone who isn’t at the table is on the menu. /10.