World wide, approx 4000 religions Each is different Each is the only true religion. Many advocate death to non-believers Each say non-believers will go to some form of hell Each demand faith without any proof If there is one (or many) all powerful god(s) why the differences? Men created them!
Also there are many denominations and factions of each of those religions. Christianity has over 40000 denominations alone. Each saying they are right and the others are wrong. They can't even agree on their religion within their own religions.
Christians suffer their religion. They are miserable & must inflict pain on everyone else. They live only to ascend to life forever in heaven. They see Trump as the beginning of Revelations and rapture through nuclear annihilation. It is sad they suffer so. If only we could help them go now!
It's not really about scientific evidence at all. God is not proposed to be an empirical entity in the first place, therefore rejecting it on the grounds of empiricism is illegitimate.
- F, your philosophy teacher.
Most people reject the Man in the Sky God. My God is more like air - everywhere and in everyone with no opinions or will. We have will and personal choice based on our values. The only divine plan is for us to do our best and choose again if it doesn’t work out. Just do the next thing right!
What’s the name for someone who doesn’t play golf?
What’s the name for someone doesn’t like going to the beach?
What’s the name for someone who doesn’t believe in Santa Claus?
What is the name of someone who doesn’t need a god? Atheist. Why? To make an “other” to protect power.
A skier
An adult
- F, your philosophy teacher.