It will blow your mind. When it was written it was almost science fiction. Now we’re living it.
For perspective—I read it in the 1990s when we Texans had elected a democrat as governor—Ann Richards. Texas ratified the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in 1972—the year before I was born
IIRC, the book was full of real policies by real societies.
The only sci-fi part (at least in the original book) was all of them happening at once in 1980’s USA.
Now there are corridors of highways in the state where pregnant women can get arrested for attempting to leave the state. And any stranger—or worse, an abusive partner or parent—can sue someone who helps a woman seeking termination and get $10k as a bounty
For perspective—I read it in the 1990s when we Texans had elected a democrat as governor—Ann Richards. Texas ratified the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in 1972—the year before I was born
The only sci-fi part (at least in the original book) was all of them happening at once in 1980’s USA.