Good news about next year’s flu vaccines!!!
U.S. agencies that are key players in the WHO-led process to select flu viruses for next winter’s vaccines are participating in a meeting to discuss the issue, despite the 🍊🤡 plans to withdraw from the global health agency
U.S. agencies that are key players in the WHO-led process to select flu viruses for next winter’s vaccines are participating in a meeting to discuss the issue, despite the 🍊🤡 plans to withdraw from the global health agency
physical healthy. 💉
… a nice counterbalance to the soul-crushing
existence we’re enduring
now with this POTUS.
😞 💔
Everyone knows that.
Thank you Dr Laura for this important post
Glad to see these scientists standing up to the 🍊🤡’s insanity
That should NOT be of issue with anyone with any brains.