others: omg you can’t just ask people if they’ve ever considered transing their gender.
me to every potential egg i meet:
me to every potential egg i meet:
you can start taking HRT just because you like how it makes you feel, are curious, or think it be interesting.
educate yourself with informed consent & have fun. it’s your body! you only live once! you get to choose!
There is no do-over. There is no next time. If there's anything after death then we don't know what it is and can't rely on it.
The ONLY thing you have to work with is now. Not even tomorrow.
TERFs really have an ideological interest in trying to convince people that there is “no going back” when the reality is that humans & our genders are a lot more fluid than we think.
again, do you own research, make your own decisions, informed consent is critical, etc!
bodily autonomy is a cornerstone of human rights for a reason! 🏳️⚧️❤️🏳️🌈
if you already don’t understand how evolution functions, it’s going to be tough walking you through epigenetics & the endocrine ststem.
But they're also our own, and we should be able to embrace that fully.
But an informed consent model takes care of that
i entirely agree though about informed consent being massively important. my point is that TERFs say HRT is permanent when it def is not.🏳️⚧️❤️🏳️⚧️
- probs start taking finasteride now unless you dgaf about your head hair
- your voice will eventually get deeper
- if you decide you don’t want facial hair, you might need to get it removed with electrolysis if any grows in.
i know a ton of trans people who tried transitioning at multiple points in their lives until the right material conditions finally lined up for them.
clever (for ugly and vicious values of "clever")
My hun is going through her second HRT attempt. She had to cold-turkey in 2018 due to being cut off from medicaid when she turned 18. It nearly cost her life.
A few months ago now that she's financially and emotionally stable, she started back on it. Her fourth puberty in a sense.
First person I came out to at work cos she was obviously safe and an ally, replied to me saying "I'm trans" with "awesome! I transitioned once".
dude friend: "Gah, it's so hot I shouldn't have worn pants!"
Me: "yeah this is definitely skirt weather"
(will delete if this is too much and apologies if so!!)
everyone’s reason for transitioning is going to be different though, & they’re all valid! 🏳️⚧️❤️🏳️⚧️
But yeah, I've heard the fish/water metaphor before, and it makes a ton of sense.
I have an IRL friend who started HRT.
Then a few months later she was like "I guess this isn't very cis behaviour is it?" and hatched as non-binary feminine.
Honestly in a slightly different world could have been me.
Honestly, it is a lot of fun.
It's cool seeing body change.
Or at least she decided she wasn't going to think about it and just chase that euphoria.
I know the beginning she got a bunch of euphoria from dressing as a woman for a party
I guess though being femmine is nice
Then she found a informed consent GP specifically that didn't ask about gender.
Feel encouraged to fuck around and find out.
Most changes in first few months are fully reversible for most people.
It's good to re-access the character creation screen and tweak things to maximise your enjoyment.
Be that tattoos, piercings, hair, HRT, surgery etc.
All fun.
I need to decide if I want to upend my entire life to gain access to the earlier character-creation steps via HRT and/or surgery.
my original post is intended as satire & is covered by transformative fair use. much love. 🏳️⚧️❤️🏳️🌈
that alls said, yes, that sound effect is v satisfying & would be perfect in many use cases.
testing, please ignore (but also check out my merch above)
(What is this gender coded emoji nonsense…)
Sometimes it might be true, but in the case of men its mostly bullying and fear of not being judged 'manly' enough by their toxic palls
His 'mates' will bully him for it
Toxic men are surprisingly fragile
Have a laugh together. Politely inform them you're not interested, wish them luck in finding someone of their own, order a beer together, become friends, be each others wingmate.
a lot of the time it really is as “simple” as ignorance & fear of others. most bigots are just bigots.
Turns out that by rightwing people the fear and disgust centra were very active, while with the leftist it was mostly the centra where curiosity is housed
I don't suppose you have any links/refs handy for either this study or any write-ups about it? I like to bookmark references to these sorts of things.
“Well I don’t see myself as a mother but a father”
“Why does a father have to be a guy?”
“…..the English language I guess?”
That type of conversation repeated a lot of times until I gave up
I mean it was basically that question "cus people should periodically consider if they are in fact cis" reposted by a friend of mine that started me cracking.
But that wasn't directly targeted.
I do wonder if I should just ask them.
online? i lowkey just eventually ask most people commenting on my posts regardless of if i think they’re an egg lmao i’ve helped a couple folks figure some things out that way
Them: "I worry about becoming a grumpy old man"
Me: "you don't have to"
Them: "haha"
And stuff like that.