The Russians "have spent the past decade building a cult of cruelty at home. Now they have exported that cult not just to Europe, not just to Africa, but to Washington too"
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How do these people live with themselves? Hurt America, hurt Ukraine, hurt Canada, hurt Europe, hurt the poor, let people die, give to the rich and just destroy the free world and help Russia. And be smug and laugh...
Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil."
author of The True Believer
And it has reactivated the never gone away cruelty in large parts of the former Eastern European parts of the Sovjetunion.
In Germany in our current national elections all in all almost 35% of the very high voter turnout out rate of 84% have voted for Russia and explicitly against the free world.
The Republicans have been building a cult of cruelty here since the 1980s. Even the Nazis looked to American rightwingers for inspiration (which I probably learned from you!).
we are not scarry, we are disapointed, we will be much stronger after US will shut to the own market, we will cooperate with China and block USA if necessary, who will give esential information to Vance? He is a Freak
"The chorus of Republican political leaders defending them seems both sinister and surprising to Europeans too. “I never thought Americans would kowtow like that,” one friend told me, marveling."
The lead up to Jan. 6th and the aftermath tells us all we need to know about the GOP.
They knew Trump had lost, that there was no fraud, yet not only did they support Trump, many actively participated in the scam trying to lend credibility to the #BigLie.
Anne, when you see what they are willing to do to half their own population, how this administration will fail to tackle most basic needs such as decent living wage, healthcare, childcare, pollution, can you wonder at their heartlessness abroad?
Republicans have been plotting this takeover for decades. They joined with the Xristian nationalists, rigged voting, rigged the courts and waited till their orange idol rose up from reality TV.
Trump is a master in telling simple lies,messages and empty promises, repeating them over and over again, getting lot of media coverage, deflecting from really important issues. Shrugs it off, hiding his real agenda to overthrow the constitution and dissolve institutions to become a dictator.
I remember the good old days when the hallmarks of Republicanism were respect for law and order, anti-Sovietism and a degree of tough independent reliability. How the once mighty have fallen.
Why is the "old" establishment who actually cares about liberal democracy, NATO etc so dead quiet? Why is there no resistance? Am I just not listening for resistance rallying in the right places? I think a lot of Europeans are mystified about that too.
That is a very good question. Where is everyone who could meaningfully oppose Trump and his minions? We can exchange angry posts on BlueSky all we want, but if the Democrats couldn’t even bring themselves to boycott a speech they knew would be full of lies and vitriol, then we’ve already lost.
I did not even have to see it: when I heard them roar, I was immediately transported to footage of Hitlers' rallies. It is the roar of those who know they'll be outcast if they do not roar their bestestest roar.
Likewise 🇨🇦
It's like half of them were Nazis all along but it wasn't fashionable to admit it.
I mean, regardless of what happens now, let's agree that Republic has already been torched. After 250 years, they were not "able to keep it."
Something else happens now. The "After the US".
White privilege. I was watching a TV drama the other day and the rich white guy says “never cede your privilege”. The confederates lost the war in the 1860s but they never gave up and now have the chance to bring back the “gilded age” for them at least.
It's (like) a big SM show: the sadists Trump, Musk, Vance, and the masochists Tumberville, Cruz, etc. It must be an interesting feeling to betray in public everything you stood for. Of course, a loyalty test: lying, betraying, committing crimes to demonstrate loyalty.
I'm starting to worry Republicans aren't only fine abandoning allies in their darkest hours of need ... but will even find no moral problem switching sides and actively supporting russian war criminals, if Trump/Vance demand it
There have been regular signs since George W Bush of this cruelty. They were frequently cruel.
Fox News & Right Wing Talk radio normalized it.
And the church.
But even during Reagan era, with gay ppl & AIDS. The administration was hideously callous & cruel, publicly so.
Elections have consequences!!!! If you choose to be uninformed, you choose to be among the sheep who are led to slaughter. WTFUP PEOPLE!!!! The pain is coming. For those not prepared it will be crippling financially, socially and psychologically.
The MAGA shift, Christian Nationalism, Project 2025 and the narcissist Donald Trump were “sling-shotted” into power when America was at its most vulnerable. First, the Great Recession; next, the COVID pandemic. One was created by conservative philosophies, and the other thrown into chaos by Trump.
Time to admit it: tens of millions willingly and enthusiastically chose fascism. The Left contributed significantly by abandoning working-class concerns in favor of issues unrelated to the majority’s daily struggles and disregarding their opposition to the cultural changes it forced.
We didnt "kowtow."
Voter suppression was fought in many courts, propaganda was firehosed to make voters believe there were no good candidates and it could be "fixed later", and then there were the 4 swing states that miraculously were all won. The "victory" was barely that.
Oh, stop pretending nobody voted for the fool. Tens of millions enthusiastically chose fascism and support everything he’s doing. Millions who didn’t vote silently support him. Not a single Republican has done anything to oppose him. The Democrats in Congress might as well be silent statues.
How can there no holding to account from politicians across all parties of the supposed largest democracy in the world? Seems like if you’re elected as president of USA everyone has their fingers crossed that you don’t turn out to be a traitor because there’s nothing that can be done if you do.
we are all humans. Russians are not a different species. the right circumstances will have this effect on àny society. a disengaged populace, rules for thee but not for me (class justice), winner takes all priciple... has published about this
Our original sin was slavery. We’ve been brutal or tolerated brutally from the beginning. We never atoned for it and never had the decency to really shut it down.
America will never bee the same. The MAGA base consists of a lot of testosterone filled young white males who listen to hate filled podcasts. That's who the Republican elected officials answer to now.
IMO, the issue isn't so much with the voters, but with those who DID NOT VOTE: close to 90 MILLION PEOPLE. Around 77 million voted for Trump & 75 million voted for Harris. For sure, some of them were disenfranchised or purged from voters lists, but a majority chose to sit out the election.
I look at all this as a spiritual WAKE UP!! And by spiritual I just mean the simple things like how to treat others, how to be a human being, understanding empathy and compassion. These are the lessons for those 90 million people. This "thing" that is happening is a WAKE UP call for the world.
Yes but that is also because their vote didnt count due to the unfair EC system instead of a popular vote system! Also for senators there is a ridiculous GOP advantage, very unfair system!
Sure, but this is the US system for now. Any voter who barely understands it, particularly in so-called "swing" states, should understand the importance of their vote. Which didn't happen in Michigan, where Arab/Muslim voters delivered the state to Trump, to "punish" Biden's policy re Palestine.
Or perhaps, a multi-pronged voter FRAUD/CRIME was perpetrated on the American People via putin/Israeli/China/gop conspirators/ex-gen now putin cheerleader theocrat mike flynn and his so -called paid Digital Army/musk/techboys Digital Billionaire funded Cyberwarfare! And the fake evilgenitals’ lies
Perhaps. But voting in the US being under state control, a generalized fraud is highly unlikely. Still, I would not rule it out if -and this is a big if- evidence surfaces that the votes were tampered with. Otherwise, the claim becomes the same as Trump's.
I have always hated that crowd. I literally watched them grow up. Their testosterone isn't even real. Wannabe tech bros and pretend warriors. I hope they all become cannon fodder when the time comes.
The lack of bravery, leadership, and respect for Constitution and nation from those in power is stunning. Normal ppl are joining mutual aid and protest orgs, participating in boycotts, and calling elected officials every day. But crickets from almost everyone with real power.
They must have been sleeping through Trump's first FOUR years in Power if they are surprised that the 🇺🇸 Republican Party didn't adhere to any Political Ideology or Values. The Mantra of Lindsey Graham was always; "Go along to Get Along".
Watching Congress last night and hearing them shout USA sure gave me the creeps. What a shit show... with terrible consequences for all of us if we in Europe don't get our act together real fast. No need for President Zelensky to sign anything. He will get no help from them any way.
I think I have identified the ideology on which Republican Party operates and justifies its actions. I will write it out most likely early next week on Substack. I have never used Substack before so this will be a good way to start. Currently very busy, too many things are happening at once.
Fully compromised foreign assets. It’s late in this long game now, their behavior is narcissistic and their behavior criminal imo. At this point the Republican Party is the enemy of the world.
The American government is now the enemy of the world's democracies. The US has aligned itself with Russia, North Korea, Hungary and Belarus. And America's former allies should respond accordingly.
Russia just observed the white supremacy and class divides, highlighted them via Russia tv as American hypocrisy.
Then used our own social media & willing Fox partners to build fear/anxiety…MAGA politicians repeated.
How soon do we start attacking Ukraine?
Nobody should be sharing anything with him other than a fart in an elevator.
author of The True Believer
In Germany in our current national elections all in all almost 35% of the very high voter turnout out rate of 84% have voted for Russia and explicitly against the free world.
That is what they have exported.
Not only today, usa will not be trusted for a long time from now
They knew Trump had lost, that there was no fraud, yet not only did they support Trump, many actively participated in the scam trying to lend credibility to the #BigLie.
It's like half of them were Nazis all along but it wasn't fashionable to admit it.
I mean, regardless of what happens now, let's agree that Republic has already been torched. After 250 years, they were not "able to keep it."
Something else happens now. The "After the US".
Fox News & Right Wing Talk radio normalized it.
And the church.
But even during Reagan era, with gay ppl & AIDS. The administration was hideously callous & cruel, publicly so.
William Shakespeare, King Lear
Voter suppression was fought in many courts, propaganda was firehosed to make voters believe there were no good candidates and it could be "fixed later", and then there were the 4 swing states that miraculously were all won. The "victory" was barely that.
That would be India by 1 billion more people than Trumpland.
The courts have been manipulated (USSC), Trumps sycophants have control of the House & Senate.
Part of this is due to gerrymandering and part due to corruption and part due to voters themselves has published about this
They usually wait for something to directly effect them before they’re willing to act. Example: Pearl Harbor.
It comes from our geographic reality surrounded by two oceans, and our history to avoid “foreign entanglements” as Washington stated.
Every accusation is a confession, the adage that never lets you down with Trump.
But russian war crimes were never punished, and the nation has never changed.
Cruelty, crimes, brutality, theft, rape, corruption and drunkenness are in their national DNA code.