I wrote this in July 2016
Well said.
There were far too many dead canaries in the mine to ignore.
And, I'm a worried Canadian. What the F honestly explains what he's up to with my country?
The damage is permanent.
Big lies
Truly malignant people
A “world” (culture, society) significantly different from the one they currently occupy.
It’s both our nature and our weakness
I wish the MAGA folks the Republicans in the House and Senate could understand this.
The reply was to address the question of WHY folks don’t vote, not whether they should.
Maga capitalized on our lack of enthusiasm, but now they've woken the beast with pj2025.
We have popular policies, but need energy. That's changing.
What’s scary is just how effective propaganda has proven to be (& here I thought Manchurian Candidate was dystopian sci-fi, but unlike in the film, the assassin didn’t wake up at the last minute & shoot the RU stooge).
Because there won't be anymore FAIR elections
Why can't people see that!!
That's whywe hve to topple ALL OF THEM NOW !!!
But many don't get it even now... 🤔
You have been so accurate over the years
It is hard to see our neighbours fall so far so fast
Gdyby Ameryka miła więcej myślących krytycznie, wyedukowanych ludzi, co tam, każdy kraj, populiści i szaleńcy mieli by znacznie, znacznie trudniej. Mści się na nas wszystkich brak nauczania tego, jakie wartości niesie z sobą demokracja.
Second, you're correct, Donnie is just a tool. The Universe decided that it's time for plasmafiltration. I hope we'll persevere.
And I bet that in four years time, the US is no longer a democracy anymore.
winning, being cheated, and not pursuing it is bad, but that’s much different than failing to run a winning campaign by being a bad candidate.
but if Harris won and Russia stole it from her, a whole lot of people need to think about why they were so eager to call her a loser.
Gore did what DT didn’t do, conceding like an adult on live TV:
So since you claim it happened, where’s the evidence?
Put up (evidence) or shut up.
DT just walked off the field, ceding PR game to Russia.
(RU has been engaged in geopolitical efforts in Africa by providing food relief)
But do go on about “a level playing field w/rest of World” 🙄
Everything Trump Touches Dies
Trump is the symptom,
77 million American voters
is the disease.
critical social media posts have to be deleted before
they travel to the united states of KKK.
Good bye free speech and free opinion.
You remind them about last time and this is serious and
Next time yell louder.
I think that’s all you can do.
I was hoping one of them knew someone higher up to have it checked out.
It was obvious.
I learned more than intended.
The crazy thing is that you could see it back then, but so many are still closing their eyes to it!!!
“You knew I was a snake and you took me in”
We will NEVER get that trust back even if we get him out of the White house
How will they ever trust us again
I wouldn’t count on it that they won’t invade a NATO country. Putler is a megalomaniac with an agenda. He prepared for decades, starting with ensuring he could stay in power
Because he is owned by Putin and his oligarchs. He is a traitor working on behalf of Putin and the press and the intelligence agencies let him get away with with which is insane.
The fool acts as a Messiah. It's a con and a very fraudulent one.🤔
There are still fools in America who believe him.
He and Musk are making millions.
Well...you nailed it!!
The capitalistic society of greed and competition, is causing “antisocial personality disorders” ASPD, psychopaths, sociopaths. These groups now hold positions of power and great wealth. Society is mentally sick.
Ben Ghiat
Heather Cox Richardson
They are warning us! They have been warning us! Those capitulating may think they are protecting families loved ones from harm… Would life be worth living under a cruel sadistic dictatorship?
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And all co conspirators/ enablers
Or perhaps he was fed those ideas by someone.
Curiouser and curiouser
That might've been a really stupid bet.
The media shrugged.
"And Russia if you're listening..."
Since 1987
This will not end well. Hunker in the bunker and be prepared for the worst that is yet to come. Karma at work here.