If they couldn't be bothered with the basics, no way they put effort into anything else. If they couldn't be bothered to put in the time, neither will I.
That kills my interest in the devs and publisher. They MIGHT be able to talk their way out pf it, but they're negotiating with a hostile bastard at that point.
Strongest of agrees. I plumbed the entire Next Fest catalogue and added dozens of titles to my wish list, only to drop about two-thirds of them because they used generative AI. Sorry, but even smol beans using it with the best of intentions is making the problem worse. The line must be drawn here.
I like posts like this, but I don't like that almost always people don't talk openly about what the game is. For example, I only know that Liar's Bar supposedly uses AI voice acting, and that miside most likely has AI illustrations inside the game
For what is wortht, it's an expansion rather than a game and it's an outsourced studio, the actual devs of Ark very quickly said they had nothing to do with aquatica (in a way that was rather neutral, aye, but it was clearly them saying "we have nothing to do with it")
When I do see AI shit, I just blacklist the entire company and dev studio. Not interested. If they tried it once, they're gonna try it again, or something equally noxious.
Seeing AI generated content kills my interest in anything.
The worst part is that many people are being told by tech corporate shitheads that AI generated content increases interest and sales in games, videos, and more.
Its the reason non-AI stuff us AI photos and art for Youtube, Covers, and Ads.
Wait, AI art is literally the endgame for the annoying people who scream that, "The curtain is just blue" it removes the intentionality from the art so it perfectly allows them to just not feel they're missing anything by only looking at the most surface level interpretations
Even something as simple and mundane as in game images, like a photo in a picture frame, is enough to make me not buy your game. It shows me that you the developer have no respect for artists.
The worst part is that many people are being told by tech corporate shitheads that AI generated content increases interest and sales in games, videos, and more.
Its the reason non-AI stuff us AI photos and art for Youtube, Covers, and Ads.
like, just... put the staff in outfits and take pictures to use. no AI slop AND it doubles as "oh haha look that's probably the developers" funny bit
Same goes for YouTube content.