January, 2025, will likely be the warmest January since 1940, and possibly the warmest January in the last 120,000 years.
5 days worth of data to go --
5 days worth of data to go --
I am curious, is there a certain month where the most warming usually happens? It would be interesting to compare monthly trends against each other. If there is any correlation to the January rise this year that we could project out the rest?
Never had such January runs. Over here at least 5°C difference.
If in July we'll have the same +5°C , we are in big trouble.
That said, if it does continue, then 2025 is the year, not 2026 or 2027.
Isn't this the complete opposite of what was expected? Most scientists predicted, that temperatures would go down with La Nina - many expected far below 1.5 again.
When exactly is the moment to call for an UN-emergency meeting?
Not that it matters, just for interest