Please help us stop the Republicans trying to privatize the Post office, take our social security, mass with our health care, our vet need help, it a total mass please try to stop them!!
Hey, i was wondering what CycleBar was like inside. You answered my question. Leadership demonstrated. I’ll go in for my first spin. Yet another form of Swalwelling.
Glad you’re out having a good time while the country crumbles.
Jeffries is a weak liability and probably on the Russian payroll as well. Do something about that Mr spin class.
Shut up you Genocidal Zionist Asshole, what are you going to do about Chuck The Corporate Cuck Schumer? #Losers #CorporateDuopoly #FightFascism #AntiZionism
Imagine Musical Genius Taylor Swift, born in the Wrong Zip Code but with a Lust for Fame, her first Album spent 36 Weeks at #1 on the Rolling Stones Top 100 and earned her many accolates, self titled "Taylor Trash Whore" it was quickly followed by "Daddy Loved me Too Much" 1/2
and of course the All Times Global Best Seller "Black Door Lover" through all of this Taylor kept her homespun Flair and raised her children in Cages in the Taylor Switt Luxury Trailer Park.
Thank you for continuing to be SUCH a fearless warrior Congressman Swalwell. You have TRULY been an incredible inspiration and someone the Party can consistently count on, which in the current political climate of weak and spineless “leaders,” is harder and HARDER to come by…💯
Jeffries is a weak liability and probably on the Russian payroll as well. Do something about that Mr spin class.