It’s been a while but I think we went months til 18 months. At about 20/21 months she went to ‘nearly 2’. Then whole year til 3 months after her birthday when it went to ‘nearly x and a half’ & 9 months after when she became ‘almost y’. But I’m pretty sure we was 4 til she was 5 so was quite brief
I think it is time to transition. I feel like maths rounding rules are supporting my stance. Perhaps you solicit more feedback on the matter from your followers?
I would suggest that it is totally on feels and is not a one way move. Whenever does something really cool or terrible- “ they are only 2 and a half” if any advantage to being 3 - kids clubs only allowing over 3s for example - “ but they are nearly 3”- still try and use this for my 12 year old
I think my gut does it by relevant developmental stages. Like, there’s a distinct difference between an 8 month old and a 10 month old. And between a two year old and a two and a half year old. And then I think at about 4 or 5 it goes to full years. But that’s just vibes
Mentally I was going with the school system. As the nursery moved her from the baby room to toddlers, then to preschool, then she went to reception in infant school at age 4, that was how she was progressing in my head. That, plus the big milestone at 2.5 (31mo 😅), when she learned to use the potty.
(For people unfamiliar with the British system, we didn't just drop her at the front entrance of the building, "Reception" is the name of the first year at primary school. Confusingly, the second year is called "Year 1", so yeah.)
(Since nobody asked, "infant school" is Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 for ages 4-6, after which kids move to "junior school" for ages 7-11. Sometimes the two schools are one entity, in which case they may be called "primary school")