Um sorry, I'm going to be a dick, be kind to GOOD people.
Fuck nazi and racists and fascists, I WANT them to dread waking up, I WANT them to feel left out and I WANT them to skip meals. I DON'T want to be kind to them.
Don't be kind to everyone, they'll abuse of that, be kind to good folks.
I know, I'm aware of that but I know people can take your message at surface level and make the mistake of being kind to the wrong type of people (Nazi, fascists and the likes), so I wanted to make an addendum to it. It's a good message, but there's a parentheses to be made
🍀💙🍀 Happy Thursday Sam!
🍀💙🍀 Happy Thursday Tig!
🍀💙🍀 Happy Thursday Gabe!
🍀💙🍀 Happy Thursday Pat!
Fuck nazi and racists and fascists, I WANT them to dread waking up, I WANT them to feel left out and I WANT them to skip meals. I DON'T want to be kind to them.
Don't be kind to everyone, they'll abuse of that, be kind to good folks.
🍀💙🍀 Happy Thursday Knight Shiff!
🍀💙🍀 Happy Thursday 2Karl!
Then FUCK MAGA to hell forever ..... 😬
🍀💙🍀 Happy Thursday Valkyrie!