The sheer volume of coverage given to stories about landlords, shareholders and people sending their kids to private schools, possibly having to pay just a little bit more in tax, tells you everything you need to know about what the priorities of the British press really are
Everyone in them pretty much comes out the villain the moment you finish the headline.
I confuse such people as I’m clearly very middle class (my Granny went to LSE 😉) but went to the only (comprehensive) school in the town I grew up, and which no-one outside the area would know 😂
I have sympathy for parents of SEN kids whose local authority refuses (often illegally) to provide/fund suitable school place pushing them to pay at least in short term.
Like all social change, it won't happen until society itself changes.
Allegedly partially about how it might impact state schools.
Not a single public meeting about state schools, or reduction in funding of any other single service, was ever held here.
Just a thought.