Keir Starmer's senior advisers have been taking advice about "how to govern a multi-ethnic society” from Boris Johnson's former aide Murina Mirza, according to the Times.
Here's some of her previous thoughts on the subject
Here's some of her previous thoughts on the subject
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If there's social housing and lower waiting for NHS & doctors the anti immigrants rhetoric goes away as they can't blame things on them! Just wish Labour etc would realise!
How far down the road of abusing and degrading others must one be to be unacceptable?
Is Mirza on the list because Labour wants to know what a right-wing rhetoritician has to say?
Does that mean they're adopting everything they've ever said or ever published?
Of course it doesn't, but it's fun to pretend, so that everyone can feel outraged and self-satisfied.
Stop being so silly.
I thought they only wanted ‘the brightest and the best’?
"Honestly, the size of the backside on Priti Patel, she's got some trunk on l doing the locker room talk right"?