I'm waiting for the spontaneous combustion of the party of corruption at the top and ignorance or malevolence in its constituency. It would make a great July 4th celebration, if we can wait that long.
I want to see this done as one of those MTV Celebrity Death Match claymation battles.
We are going to see 4 years of new hangers-on trying to out simp the OG sycophants. It should make for some amusing headlines along the way since these people have no filter or morals.
circular firing squad 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
let’s stay out of their way — and don’t seek to remind them of their plight
we simply PREPARE FOR EVERY CRACK in the facade / faux armor 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
Loomer's heart went all thump-a-bump
For the orange-skinned asshat named trump
Then leon got tetchy
With loomer being sketchy
And on her he took a huge dump
Omg please let them fight I have popcorn 🍿 ready... Someone start telling the real tea... I will chip in for the obviously sponsored by Linda McMahon WWE smackdown event. I haven't been this excited since well Diddy... Let's go.
Get the popcorn out because this was always going to happen.They are all vying for attention and Musk has stolen the thunder of a lot of them. Musk was always going to be dumped because he delussionaly thinks he is some sort of hero but is expendable.He will learn money can't buy him everything.
Agreed. They will unwittingly destroy themselves. Someone is going to go too far and reveal something and it will all explode or implode; take your pick.
We are going to see 4 years of new hangers-on trying to out simp the OG sycophants. It should make for some amusing headlines along the way since these people have no filter or morals.
Seems like she’s mad she got replaced as Side Piece.
let’s stay out of their way — and don’t seek to remind them of their plight
we simply PREPARE FOR EVERY CRACK in the facade / faux armor 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
She must be upset.
Join the club.
Won’t someone think about the MAGA’s
For the orange-skinned asshat named trump
Then leon got tetchy
With loomer being sketchy
And on her he took a huge dump
Ok. GOP. 🙄