This is a hard truth but Tyler is absolutely right—many, many resistance libs on Twitter and elsewhere care more about making money than winning elections.
In fact, many of them were quietly rooting for a Trump victory so they could make more money.
It's horrible, but undeniably true.
In fact, many of them were quietly rooting for a Trump victory so they could make more money.
It's horrible, but undeniably true.
Axios says 41% of young voters say UnitedHealthcare CEO killing "acceptable"
My problem is I'm still going to pay a much higher tax rate than Billionaires and Corps with Trump in office
I still can't support Trump based on character alone
"Money is the answer to 99% of all questions" -C. Crowe
But, this new attack front from D’s against the media—which sounds an awful lot like the MAGA attacks against the media—is really unsettling.
Maybe it is raw self-interest; maybe it is willful locomotion for more disinformation. This is unclear. But, it looks like American journalism has
crossed the line into activism on both sides. This is a betrayal of the public and the profession. It’s a big part of multiple problems. I hope we can course correct soonest.
I love this: “First they came for the journalists. We don’t know what happened after that.”
I’ve felt alienated from the D party since the early 2000s, due to a truly malignant brand of Dem activist. I didn’t want to go to the R’s, and I did not go to MAGA. But, where…?
Most of the people selling outrage love having fresh product.