lol yes that would be extremely satisfying for most of us but its just not gonna happen. BTW nice handle I lived in MN for awhile that's an instant follow.
It’s called trying not to make a scene when you are placed in a horrible situation with a disgusting human but it’s not about you.
I’ve been forced into situations like this my entire life. I don’t want to make it unpleasant for those around me, so they don’t even get a whisper of my discomfort.
I'll venture that trump said something monumentally stupid, thinking how brilliant he is, and Obama laughed because it was so fucking spot on stupid. Trump was pacified. Obama is a real man of diplomacy.
Unsettling, yes…but…President Obama has always been revered for his class and decorum, and he is smart enough to know that any of us who wish to protect our Democracy must be willing to maintain some discourse as we approach the total hell that is coming. Not a sign of respect for trump.
President Obama kept DFT occupied and from disrupting the service due to lack of attention. DFT could easily have thrown a temper tantrum and Melania was no help. I think Michelle didn’t attend because she would have been seated next to DFT according to protocol.
Trump: “My wife asked if what she was wearing today was OK. I said, Melania, you look gorgeous…and you’re gonna do great testifying to the colonial magistrate about that sonofabitch John Proctor.”
President Obama is a class act! He's giving the heinous reprobate a taste of his higher self by engaging with him without prejudice. One just wishes it would rub off on the felon.
I don’t know why this is disappointing to me. I want more people to tell this dude to fuck all the way off. Stop indulging him and “playing nice.” That is the sole reason we’re in this mess; playing nice. There are ways to do that without stopping to his level too.
This “class,” “etiquette,” or “polite laughter” gives Trump credibility and normalcy—things Obama has said Trump does not deserve. Peak hypocrisy from BO.
No amount of class, etiquette, or polite laughter will keep immigrants and trans people safe. Fuck this.
Everybody knows the dice are loaded,
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over,
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed,
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich.
And that’s how it goes…everybody knows. -Leonard Cohen
TFG so desperate to be liked. Cant stop trying.
Obama maybe at the top of a rollercoaster in his head.
Sometimes I giggle when I'm feeling dizzy....
I’ve been forced into situations like this my entire life. I don’t want to make it unpleasant for those around me, so they don’t even get a whisper of my discomfort.
But also: What is she wearing? Didn’t anyone ever teach her what to wear to a funeral?
We know Biden and Hilary Clinton are NOT heroes, despite the medals.
Also not here, where Jimmy might see.... 😘
trump can never ever shut his trap
Obama, freezing up from Trump’s bad breath, and hiding it with a Presidential chuckle and smile.
He knows he is taking one for Melanie. She doesn’t know how she got here, regretting her choice of no gal friends.
Picture your Happy Place.
Obama: no shit retard
MAGA not being able to complain about how awful we are is a plus in a situation where we are otherwise helpless.
Obama is classy. That's the news. RIP.
Obama- Yes, we know
Big sad that Elmo hasn't invented a transporter device yet.
This “class,” “etiquette,” or “polite laughter” gives Trump credibility and normalcy—things Obama has said Trump does not deserve. Peak hypocrisy from BO.
No amount of class, etiquette, or polite laughter will keep immigrants and trans people safe. Fuck this.
Not 3D chess
Not keeping enemies close
Not even proper funeral decorum
Trump is a psycho.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over,
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed,
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich.
And that’s how it goes…everybody knows. -Leonard Cohen
Obama maybe at the top of a rollercoaster in his head.
Sometimes I giggle when I'm feeling dizzy....
This might take a while.....