Ken Martin gave a hell of a good speech here: “Are we on the side of the robber baron, the ultra-wealthy billionaire, the oil and gas polluter, the union buster. Or are we on the side of the American working family, the small business owner, the farmer, the immigrant, and the students?"
These have been and continue to be omitted from the promulgated course of action…
This was the message before the election (we know how that worked out) and now we’re just sheepishly (with thoughtful language) shuffling into Trump’s dictatorship.
“Gosh, I just really thought Americans would do the right thing”
Ken Martin needs to fight every day,
To crush GOP lies in a bold aggressive way.
Push back hard against the dishonest crew.
Battle for values that Democrats hold true.
Democrats should admit that's been the case.
History does in-fact repeat itself… and it rhymes