I just want to know when we decide we've had enough of their terrorist CRAP. As far as I'm concerned, they declared war on "the West" in 2014; I fear that when we finally decide to stop them, we will agree we waited too long.
And it will continue as long as we don’t act.
The cost of this action for 🇷🇺 is currently ZERO !
Russia will continue as long as the cost of this terror is lower than their benefits…
The Russians are furious that Biden manipulated them into a
deadly proxy war which has killed 800,000 Russians and over a million Ukrainians. This was always going to end with Russia getting a land route to Crimea. Biden just delayed it by talking Zelensky into fighting to the last Ukrainian life.
NATO doesn’t get to pretend to be surprised when the Russians attack Western Europe… we have all been funding a pointless war on Russia’s border for a long time and killed a LOT of their soldiers. They were never going to surrender Sevastopol. Never.
It already has paid. We baited them into the war by trying to expand NATO to their borders and demanding they surrender their primary warm-water naval base. We have also stood in the way of every attempt to settle the war. We wanted that war, paid for it, and convinced the Ukrainians to die for it.
There are probably more of them. For example some suspect train derailments in northern scandinavia that is not yet confirmed as sabotage and not on the map.
Russia must be 100% isolated, financially, politically, and socially. Any companies or banks found to be trading with or supporting Russia must be named and shamed. #FuckPutin
Russia is waging war against the civilized world. Their sabotage and corruption are ongoing, and their propaganda machines are poisoning minds and destroying democracies around the world.
The cost of this action for 🇷🇺 is currently ZERO !
Russia will continue as long as the cost of this terror is lower than their benefits…
deadly proxy war which has killed 800,000 Russians and over a million Ukrainians. This was always going to end with Russia getting a land route to Crimea. Biden just delayed it by talking Zelensky into fighting to the last Ukrainian life.
No money. No war.
A worthwhile thread from the other place (as bad as Trump is, the operation is hardly confined to him)
It's long overdue to respond more seriously.