The /m/ board on 4chan “used” to have a RECOMMENDED GUNDAM SUB GROUPS list to torrent subs for each show and this one was the one they recommended for ZZ Gundam, which were completely flanderized and embellishes too much.
…Might have caused a black hole in perception for many an anime for 20 years.
…Might have caused a black hole in perception for many an anime for 20 years.
Reposted from
laura "elpeo ple defender” cavegift
okay i think i got the bad subs for ZZ Gundam
ZZ's a messy show, but its nowhere near as much as the old subs make ya think.
And even then Zeta and double Zeta push as hard as they can on that too.
I've always pictured it being made in the early 2000's
So happy I experienced ZZ with the BR 🤧
I think Zeta was first brought over in like 2005/2006?
I know ZZ wasn't brought over till 2016 ☠️
Not helpful to anyone wanting to watch the series but an interesting curio into Singapore-region dub quality in 2005.