Well, it is a political movement based explicitly on the rejection of education (other than in some idealized sense of pure vocational training) as a value
Sure, degrees are still status markers, but the thing to be proud of is that you made it through Harvard, say, without learning anything
It will... Remember, most of these cabinet Secretaries won't last longer than a year or two. If these were his 'frontline' picks, just imagine when he's replacing them!!!
these ones will last longer because they're in lock step with him and also willing to break any rules on his behalf. he finally has the unethical yes-men he wants.
True... But there is also the pull of money. They'll be able to monetize their proximity to Trump much easier after they leave. And most of these clowns will get bored of having to do actual mundane managerial stuff and not just "troll the libs" all day.
Sure, degrees are still status markers, but the thing to be proud of is that you made it through Harvard, say, without learning anything
Yes, yes it can. And almost certainly will.
It's not much but it's all I have.