I never stood by Biden. I thought someone was going to drone him. Like the Parents of one the girls that was murdered because he decided to let all the paroles from South America into the country.
I wonder how many of our active members of the military believe that we the people are their country, not the few who occupy the White House. Will they uphold their oath to the Constitution?
I'm not counting on it. Given the "support" for The Malignancy among ranks (and my fast fading faith in humans in this country), I expect a long list of 'warriors' later claiming "I wAs jUsT fOlLoWiNg OrDeRs" 😔
If you remember that one thing, everything that he has done in the 1st month of his 2nd tenure makes perfect sense.
It's horrifying. It's reprehensible. But it makes sense.
No MAGAt has the intelligence to understand this.