Yes, this is a very incomplete satire map. It was going around as a rebuttal to hypocrisy of US politicians & pundits who suddenly care about violence when they do not, esp imperial violence. Info is easily available online if anyone wants to know history of US imperial violence 1700s to present
In addition to USA violence, in addition to our gun culture, and the rhetoric of ideologies, these tools & methods ride on a foundational layer of uncaring citizens, not completely uncaring of everyone but very quick to 'other' people over any perceived difference, then freely open them to death.
As I’ve said to every person who said this, it’s to point out US imperial violence overseas, the hypocrisy of which is left out by perpetrators who now proclaim they care about violence. There are plenty of maps on domestic violence.
For every single person intentionally complaining about missing domestic violence, there’s a different map for that. For folks complaining about incomplete data, this was a satire post, you want free education, google is your friend to look up info on US imperial violence form independence to now.
The volume of white men attacking me or anyone who clarifies things in reply to this post is astounding. Many are from NAFO, others are just racists, US ethnonationalists, or some combo of xenophobe, anti-intellectual weirdo, mansplaining, etc. Many hiding behind anonymous accounts.
Furthermore, US drone warfare kills more than people realize.
Between 2010 and 2020 the Bureau tracked US drone strikes and other covert actions in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia. Now add Palestine/Gaza to update this, among others.
Interventions, genocide, toppling governments, assignations overseas, and the lesser known, drone warfare - the US has a long history of violence overseas that a lot of people conveniently forget. Then there’s domestic violence with Indigenous dispossession, gun violence, cop city, etc etc etc.
And these are just the ones we know about. There's probably more that were never recorded, and plenty of other violence the US used against their own people and the indigenous peoples of this continent.
The vote to essentially leave the commonwealth and become independent of Britain. Uncle Sam interfered and managed to scuttle that vote. Fear of the domino effect.
You want the map of violence in the US? Do you even know the gun violence, racialized attacks on Black & Indigenous people, Indigenous dispossessions, or violence against trans communities, etc - all sponsored by the state? Wow, what koolaid are you drinking?
Oh ok. And even in the US, the violence is astounding. The overseas violence is something most Americans would like to conveniently forget, including the US-funded/supplied genocide in Palestine. I’ve been dealing with harassers bc of that map since yesterday. It’s wild how jingoistic people get
The Failing State of America
FSA!!!🇺🇸 FSA!!!🇺🇸 FSA!!!🇺🇸
You think attempted assassinations are bad?
Imagine when he orders Seal Team 6 to assassinate his political rivals
Then he calls it an “official act” because the MAGA Project 2025 Supreme Court has given him absolute immunity!
Someone should create a map (a website?) of lynchings, religious killings, political killings, and police (or police sanctioned) violence against political demonstrators.
Yes. That’s probably bc whoever created the map was specially pointing out US imperialism and violence abroad. Someone should create on for domestic violence by the state apparatus against BIPOC communities.
We can point that our politics has been violent over the years (civil war, Jim Crow, assassination attempts, etc) without going overboard.
Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior
Between 2010 and 2020 the Bureau tracked US drone strikes and other covert actions in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia. Now add Palestine/Gaza to update this, among others.
There were incidents of political violence.
In other democracies? Well that's another story, isn't it?
FSA!!!🇺🇸 FSA!!!🇺🇸 FSA!!!🇺🇸
You think attempted assassinations are bad?
Imagine when he orders Seal Team 6 to assassinate his political rivals
Then he calls it an “official act” because the MAGA Project 2025 Supreme Court has given him absolute immunity!
Third World🇺🇸🤮