Is the UN trying to outdo Neville Chamberlain's "peace for our time"? At least Chamberlain had signed an agreement between Great Britain and Germany. This time the UN is demanding Israel concede without any agreement from the terrorists who are holding 100 hostages and aim to destroy Israel.
Yeah let’s reward rapists and jihadist child murderers. Better yet let’s give them free roam over everything. No way they attack Israel immediately or at least very quickly. Easy for fuckheads in Australia to say since they won’t be the ones raped and murdered by the Palestinians.
So the election soon and they saw the 129,813 signatures for Australia to declare recognition of the State of Palestine in the Government Petition ....and thought votes...
Interesting ALP members got a call from local Labor members office yesterday about working on next election. We told them we were very much opposed to their stance on the genocide to the point of disgust. Not stupid though, Dutton & his cronies are far worse. This is promising.
This snake-in-the-grass change of position about Palestine is all about being re-elected. And whatever the outcome after the election, Anthony Albanese will put the cap back on. #Auspol #UN #Resolution #Labor
Thanks to Netanyahu, there will be many more changing positions on the horizon. Netanyahu is doing more permanent damage to Israel than he is doing to Gaza.
Vote your best interests!!!
Get your kicks in 2026!!!
Of course! Netanyahu and IDF are next level terrorists using our weapons and money to commit genocide. Religion kills so many over something that can't be proven. I was raised in multiple Xtianities and Judaism. Xtians think suffering is preferable; thinking it will buy an afterlife that's better.
Seventy six years of occupation, land theft, bulldozed homes, imprisonment, torture, apartheid, endless land theft, created a boiling point. Netanyahu was warned of an imminent attack but he wanted a catalyst for his planned ethnic cleansing. Zionism is fascism not Judaism.
Most of the Anglo Saxon or 5 eyes follow USA foreign policy.
Sanctions on Israel is a Redline USA won't tolerate.
Israel has bipartisan support in USA.
Sorry Penny. After your abysmal performance, condoning genocide, over the past 12 months, you can't suddenly find your morals now, when you know an election is looming.
So you do or don't want the government make this stand?
Isn't it a positive result, regardless of local electoral cycle?
Better they try and repair the damage than let Dutton stroll into power.
He has come out against the government's decision
Methinks that just perhaps they’re looking at the impact this issue contributed to the poor turnout of democratic voters in the US election and realising that it’s an issue they can’t ignore in a multi cultural country like Australia. Should have been our position years ago.
I’m not convinced that disillusioned Labor voters will preference Greens this time. Those same people are pissed off with the Greens also. There’s a good chance that they will vote independents just like in the disillusioned LNP seats. Even if the independent doesn’t win they could cause enough… 1/2
Just to be clear I wasn’t saying it was a deciding issue I said it was a significant factor in some democrats choosing not to vote. As you note it may be a significant issue in some seats here, especially because we have compulsory voting. 1/2
I agree that the factors you outlined are probably going to be the key issues, but when you’re a government that has disappointed a significant proportion of your key voters and are going to be chasing every vote you can muster, you have to look at every issue for every seat. 2/2
For her to speak out in the face of the most horrendous and vile bullying she has put up with from pro zionists in the last year shows us that the bar is fairly high with regards her
In the face of genocide she was "gravely concerned". There is nothing honourable about letting that shit slide for so long. We should have cut Israel off in every way from the start.
I think she’s been squashed and bullied by others in power in the party more than we realise. I’ve been disappointed by her too but I have heard that she’s been repeatedly shut down.
The problem has been Israel's casual indifference to civilian casualties during the war. Whether it is children, journalists or aid workers, Israel has disgraced itself in its conduct and reputation.
Great news! Australia has chosen to back a UN resolution urging an end to Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories, diverging from the United States.
Hold them accountable if they break it.
It's taken a while but still a positive move
Vote your best interests!!!
Get your kicks in 2026!!!
Might have left it 200,000 dead Palestinians too late
Sanctions on Israel is a Redline USA won't tolerate.
Israel has bipartisan support in USA.
Isn't it a positive result, regardless of local electoral cycle?
Better they try and repair the damage than let Dutton stroll into power.
He has come out against the government's decision
I expected the ALP to stand against genocide from the outset, and if they can't stand criticism, perhaps they don't deserve to govern.
This issue will not win or lose them govt. Not enough voters actually care.
Crazy.... 😜
Trump was +3 across all 18-29 registered voters on the issue, vs Harris +4 among likely voters only.
But just like here, other issues were more prominent.
More widely Israel/Gaza was a key issue for 6% of voters – and that 6% splits roughly 4/2% on anti/pro Israel.
But the economy was a top issue for 81%(!)
Cost of living 63%
Housing 42%
Economy 25%
Undoubtedly, Israel/Gaza will decide some seats here (like Watson, Blaxland, Macnamara) – just as it decided races in Dearborn MI.
But inaction on day-to-day cost of living was the big issue there, as it will be here.
Number of Gaza/Israel votes likely less than margin of victory in all bar Macnamra and maybe Wills and Goldstein
Irrelevant to deciding the election
But if Labor were to lose the seats it will be too Greens which will make no difference on the floor of the house
But at least it pissed off all the Australian Jewish Associations / lobbyists.