You could not pay me to watch this Lilo and Stitch live action trailer. It will be knowledge I will never possess, unless I go to a theater and it's forcibly beamed into my brain during previews.

I made my mistake watching Mulan and I will never inflict that kind of psychic harm on myself again.


It's fairly standard bad Disney live action. But then they show jumbaa and Pleakley. I felt like seeing cthulhu. They were played by humans but then glitched so Pleakley was alien. He looked awful like fanmade 2010s shitty live action trailer. So weird
Same, I watched The Beauty & The Beast live action remake, and that was more than enough for me to say the rest of them aren't worth the watch.
Same. The Aladdin remake scared me straight.
Pretty sure live action Mulan was an ancient Chinese torture method
This one looks okay and wasn’t offensive like the previous remakes. But was also pointless cos the original still looks better.
I watched the Aladdin one, enormous margarita in hand

it was not enough
Ill be fr. This one actually looks decent and is actually a movie that would work in live action. That's not saying much tho lol.
I asked my friend while we were playing Helldivers if Disney released ANYTHING good in the past year that was in house and it took him a good like 4 minutes of "Umm uhhh hmmm.." before naming one and it speaks volumes cuz he likes Disney more than me.
Speaking as someone who adores the original, I think it actually looks cute. Though there are definitely some red flags, so I'll judge it when the film is actually out.
I just don't understand the point of it. The original is a timeless classic that doesn't need a remake. This just screams of laziness.