I fear that this will not only be about Ukraine. But about a larger deal on European security architecture and a new US relationship with Russia. Trump and Putin share interests when it comes to American troop presence in Europe, withdrawal of US capabilities, NATO enlargement… They can go big.
Reposted from
Nicolai von Ondarza
Europe not on the table, but on the menu
The Rubio-Lavrov Pact is born.
We would never overtake US in military spending and our armies will probably never be able to compete with US army, but we can easily deal with Russia and tell US to fuck off and go and tell Russia to fuck off from Ukraine.
This is not isolationism on the part of the USA, this is collaborating with Russia.
Truly "historic" times, but in a very bad way.
* Mglw. ist das auch nur eine Finte, um mit RU einen Deal zu machen.