Its not his real hair and he probly has a teenager doing it every morning because thats what he does... he hangs out with young boys who lick his boots everyday.
Cheap haircut, extremely unkempt body, overweight, no actual taste in apparel…
And he’s clearly fixated on the letter x, a symptom of a disorder for which there are meds that he could easily take yet clearly refuses.
Because $4 was crazy big in Germany during the late 1930's. As was that particular cut. Look at his buddy's haircut that I had circulated previously. The only thing missing is the haircut moustache. Seig Heil!!
What they see when they look in the mirror is a whole lot different than what we see!
Don't ask me how I know this.
And he’s clearly fixated on the letter x, a symptom of a disorder for which there are meds that he could easily take yet clearly refuses.
And if you would, what cut would you give him?!
He's so into making important things happen in the world that he limits his wasting of resources.
And he wants everyone to know.
Yet he’ll always deny it when called out.
The haircut... I really don't care.