Last Week—Meeting To Give Mr. Fucking Nobody Elon —U.S. Intel On WAR PLAN AGAINST CHINA!! Is There Other Fucking Mistakes Or Purposeful Leaks—We’ll Never Hear About Too!!
The Klown Kar Kabal has become a Klown Kar Kabaret, but is anybody surprised? So much of Donnie Darko & Co. is performative—a show of might, American dominance draped in the star n bars—that the optics are starting to blind both sides of the lens.
#peterbrianhegseth taking a lot of heat, but, somewhere I hear chants of, ‘Hang JDVance!’ - #susiewilesalwaysbelurking - #johnratcliffesmirkingwhilerattingoutciaoperative - #stephenmillerprematureejaculations
I don’t even blame Hegseth. Sincerely, it’s really NOT his fault. The executive branch and the Senate knew *EXACTLY* what they were getting.
You can blame Hegseth for Hegsething.
No, I was pretty sure it would be this fast. I had my money on him leaving the nuclear football at Jiggles Gentleman's club. So I guess this is better?
It's the pressure of going without a drink for an hour or two, it's too much man, a guys, gotta drink when he can. He needs a tattoo of an asshole on his forehead... maybe the next white house shit fit someone can float the idea... get him drunk enough, you KNOW he'll do it...
Signal-Yemen F-Up: it gets worse by the moment. Trump looked not only incompetent, not only like a complete buffoon, but he lies at every turn. The man simply cannot tell Americans the truth about ANYTHING.
Really? I'm surprised it took this long. I figured he'd cause a disaster in his first 48 hours. Fortunately, he probably spent his first few days on the job in a drunken stupor.
I once wore a $10 pedometer into the SCIF, and my commander proceeded to crucify me in front of the flight before confirming it was NOT GPS tracking capable like expensive pedometers.
YET Petey can discuss military war plans in a fucking group chat on a civilian messaging app?!
It’s the Trump MO: when confronted with your failures just lie, blame others and feign ignorance. And it works for him and his administration every time. We will hear about Hillary’s emails for eternity but this will be swept under the rug like all the other crimes against the state
We've not yet seen the heights of screw up that Hegseth will reach. Trump will never get rid of him and Congressional Republicans offer the resistance of pond scum
He's a perfect stooge. Look, none of us are talking about legal residents being arrested w/o warrant and disappeared to foreign gulags
If Hegseth jeopardizes national security while in a blackout and then denies it, is that still a lie? Same question regarding treason, mishandling top secret documents, and rape.
The godsdamnit, I chose late May for our office pool and now Susan in accounting just walked away with close to two hundred dollars. Fuck you Pete Hegseth!
Bright side though, let the gaslighting begin.
- It's not a big deal
- Nothing was classified
- No investigation needed
- He didnt mean it
- I am sure he learned his lesson
—but Hillary’s emails
—but Hunter’s laptop
—Joe is old
— Obama wore a tan suit
—Tesla is being attacked!
It's his M.O.
No way he's been sober more than one day in a row since he started cos-playing Secretary of Defence.
But then I think, “Nah, they’re just that stupid!”
Maybe I’ll do both
And now this.
"Inadvertently" disclosing Classified Information on a non-government platform IS NOT necessarily a Crime.
One Guess as to what This Administration WILL claim?
Fuckin weekend FUX relief
Hegseth only has this job to use his announcer voice and appeal to other inadequate addicts in servatude
You can blame Hegseth for Hegsething.
Trump's Clown Circus 🎪
It's has only been 8 weeks
(Hegseths drink 🍸 of choice)
Per: Hegseth
'Employee of the year : Natural Stupidity category '
Samuel Butler
At the speed of a republican turning on the values they claimed to have.
I mean we all expected stupid, but this raises stupid to an art form.
YET Petey can discuss military war plans in a fucking group chat on a civilian messaging app?!
Why not Facebook?
This is a scandal that requires no convoluted explanation.
I have to say, I wouldn't be surprised.
I can't imagine why he did not graciously decline. He is in no way equipped for this role. Maybe he has a micro p?
I just hoped we’d survive.
He's a perfect stooge. Look, none of us are talking about legal residents being arrested w/o warrant and disappeared to foreign gulags
Probably better this way 🤪