Let's keep a promise !
Just few things :
- Link to the HD res below
- I can update this map if you want to appear in it. You just have to respond to this post.
- Most of the these accounts are NSFW. Keep it in mind before exploring it.
- If you want, I can create StarterKit for each community..?
Just few things :
- Link to the HD res below
- I can update this map if you want to appear in it. You just have to respond to this post.
- Most of the these accounts are NSFW. Keep it in mind before exploring it.
- If you want, I can create StarterKit for each community..?
Follow the link and zoom in :)
If you search yourself:
Try around the biggest account that you follow, then search smaller account, friends...
But ask me if you need help :)
Poke @nik.dog, @furryli.st and all volunteers :)
I don't have the time to open source it properly, but I'm really an "open methodology" kind of guy.
Ask me anything about technical stuff, in response or DM.
Nothing is secret, and I'm always glad to talk about this stuff.
But I will surely Gexf for the world map : Gephi, the soft that make the render, doesn't like my csv with hundred of millions of line :x
However, I currently don't have enough volunteers to make it sufficiently interesting.
If you respond to this post to volunteer, or share the proposal, you'll have my gratitude!
I'm social data analyst and I study social networks (X, Youtube, Tiktok...).
Audience mapping, strategies for growth, interactions on controversial topics (vaccines, ukraine, middle east, politics), influencer outreach...
Don't hesitate to send a DM if you're curious !
For the lowdef, I only pick the volunteer with the most furries follower in each area of the map.
Sadly, I dont have volunteer in many areas.
In short : "Who follow who in a specific ecosystem".
(Foxarc accepte d'intégrer les expérimentations sociales en carte et en volontariat.)
(Please and thank you 🙏)
thanks for making a cool thing ✨
I'm absolutely down to be on that graph :3c
This is really cool of you to do for people. Thank you.
Like I said, I can't share the full dataset, but I can give sample, talk methodology or even work together.
This kind of data are legal to collect, but in France the collection must be done only for *one* legal purpose, and then discarded (RGPD).
With it, I can doxx anyone,
Know your sexual preference,
Your belief,
Your political stance...
So yeah, sometimes I share my dataset, but only with official researcher, for a known purpose.
That's why I ask for volunteer too: to be sure to not doxx someone.
- clustering = Louvain
- layout = Force Atlas 2
- basic stats only for some clues about how each cluster like to present themselves
Studying the network (interaction, following...) is usually really meaningful for the "who".
Ces deux mots étaient présents dans toutes les sous communautés.
Un poil moins chez les bleus, mais présent quand même.
In the "Fog / Fox/ Wolf" cluster.
Only in a statistical way, right ? Right ?
Sorry ?
I was nervous about asking before aaa
@creatorlabeler.bsky.social tag you for your music.
So maybe a lot of people follow you for it, drag you to them, and away of the furries ?
(Would be a little to much effort to be sure about this guess, but it's possible to study your own audience 😅 )
But yeah, the more you're south, the less you're "furry only".
(Vu via le lien HD, dans le second post du thread)
Donc tu es placé juste par rapport aux quelques liens existants avec les autres gens ici.
Pas au cœur du terrier des renards 😂
This is amazing
But I can share sample or explain my methodology if you want to reproduce it, no problem !
Do you have specific questions ?
I wonder if I’m on it!
I'd love to appear in it as well if at all possible.
If it doesn't already exist I'll gladly volunteer as patient zero
PD: would love to appear if you're still doing a second version xP
Why Am I getting flashbacks from when I saw another graph similar to this one...
Let's just say that the map ended up taking a bit more of an nsfw shape after some filtering...
I'd like to be included if possible
This is so freakin' cool. Thanks so much for doin' this. Gotta do a deep dive later :D
[ If you'd like to and have time ofc 🙏 ]