For best absorption of your iron supplement
>on empty stomach
>with vitamin C
>away from PPI/acid reflux meds
>take daily or every other day
>no benefit to elemental* doses above 100mg
*your supplement may be higher than this but need to look specifically at elemental iron content
>on empty stomach
>with vitamin C
>away from PPI/acid reflux meds
>take daily or every other day
>no benefit to elemental* doses above 100mg
*your supplement may be higher than this but need to look specifically at elemental iron content
Question: what are your thoughts on transdermal iron delivery systems? Is this a viable alternative to PO iron replacement?
Great little memory trick for spacing out doses, really helped us!
What’s the idea for empty stomach, do common foods/drinks reduce absorption?
Thanks for doing what you do!
Besides acid reflux medication/ antacids
Are there other drugs to avoid
Does iron decrease the absorption of other drugs?