If you see your handle now says “Invalid handle,” please reverify it by navigating to Settings > Change my handle > Type in your current handle > Verify DNS Record > Update.
(Basically, update to the same handle.) I fixed mine after a few attempts..I'm a slow learner
Gonna be using that this holiday season and going forward.
"Don't mind me, just saw a snippet of news and caught a spell of nexforyeers. It'll pass soon, except for the scarring of my soul it causes."
ACTUALLY, ephebophilia is the classification within the professional psychological community. Pedophilia is the classification within the professional legal community. Guess which one of those two communities can put you in jail?
Probably not quite as much as you, but still.
I assume he'd just asked this one to the 6th grade father daughter dance.
The Florida pedophile getting appointed to be the acting Attorney General is nothing new or unexpected
(Basically, update to the same handle.) I fixed mine after a few attempts..I'm a slow learner
"Don't mind me, just saw a snippet of news and caught a spell of nexforyeers. It'll pass soon, except for the scarring of my soul it causes."
a few more years and the girls they’re attracted to will also graduate