This is really cool, dung beetles are actually really interesting, like the face that they're one of the only insects to spend comsiderable time raising their young
I don’t know how to be excited about cleaning the forest floor when poverty and racism is affecting BILLIONS of people daily. Can’t we prioritize better? NPR used to be more moderate and are now just shifting right with the tides. Sad and spineless.
So they should do nothing but right about poverty and racism? Fuck I hate the brain dead take. We can do more than one thing at once and you don’t get to decide of priorities. Science, and the health of our environment is important.
Your rudeness reveals your heartlessness which is why you prioritize dung beetles over humans who are suffering. You are cruel and lacking in empathy and probably voted for Trump.
You are a lunatic. Look at my post history. I’m not even American. I’m almost 50 years old and I’ve been listening to people like you my whole life say that we shouldn’t invest in science because there’s somebody without food somewheres. It’s brain dead thinking.
You’re rude and arrogant. Some day you’ll understand that if you feed people, they can go on to do great things. If you make them starve, there won’t be anybody to care about your stupid science! This is why your priorities are all out of line. What happened in your childhood to make you this way?
But we have a lot of deer and deer poop. Should make the dung beetles very happy.