Right? I've seen enough crime shows to know that it makes a prosecution more difficult if there's no weapon. Why the hell would he still be carrying the murder weapon?
Even those who support this guy wholeheartedly should accept that he is going to prison for the rest of his life. There will be no nullification. You should be happy about it. It's what he wanted, and it will make him a martyr.
A match to casings is done by firing pin strike location which is not definitive matching. News reporters need to do better. They are preventing the suspect from speaking to the press while they disseminate misleading information to convict in court of public opinion and complicating any trial.
Media is complicit. What about other brazen murders that happen daily. What about the brazen theft from insureds leading to untold suffering unnecessary disability and even death. Our media needs to do better including NPR.
Conspiracy is hatched in the crucible of incompetence. Let's make dubious claims as we go, and when people question the authenticity of said claims *surprised Pikachu face*
Come on people … the simple and most likely thing here is they caught their guy. My guess is that he did not intend to be caught, but did not expect McDonalds to snitch.
All the BS of him being framed is extremely unlikely. Bro did it.
The same people giddy about the murder of a man they did not know existed, because of problems in an industry they don't understand were FURIOUS over the Obamacare "death panel" accusations.
I not happy anyone died.
However, I totally understand the dichotomy of how people took this.
The #1 one scam in the US is Health Insurance. And this CEO made a living off of denying healthcare coverage. Some of those people died. They saw a means to an end. I can't relate, but understand.
If they are they don't do it, or they go on like the Green River killer or Ted Bundy for a while.
But I heard Trump planned the ghost gun.
He mains Joker ftr.
Poor Luigi’s just the fall guy, our real hero will never be found!
I mean the NYPD, come on, the most trustful institution in the US...... /s
All the BS of him being framed is extremely unlikely. Bro did it.
"Come on, kid, don't fool around. Just let your hand drop to your side and the gun slip out."
There is no way.
a lot are not the same people tho
However, I totally understand the dichotomy of how people took this.
The #1 one scam in the US is Health Insurance. And this CEO made a living off of denying healthcare coverage. Some of those people died. They saw a means to an end. I can't relate, but understand.
If anyone has EVER watched a show or movie on "planted evidence", they would know what kind of vibes these "breaking news" things gives off....