LOL. I know, right? That’s why killing a single class rep will catch a terror charge. When one falls, they all shake? (Not condoning violence/murder, maybe the oligarchs should stop sicking cops on peaceful protestors and show us they aren’t promoting violence.)
I'm done with billionaires -especially Jeff;
if he's got a spare $Million to donate to
MadDon's Inauguration, he can damn well afford a raise
for his workers.💪
Their union is headed by a Trump supporter who spoke at Trump’s GOP convention.
I’m done caring what happens with union voters until they quit voting against their own interests. Force Sean O’Brien out and I’ll consider supporting this strike. Until then, enjoy the conditions you voted for.
I'm rootin for you Amazonians. Takes a lot of guts to strike against a company as rabidly anti-union as Amazon. Hopefully you'll get the compensation you deserve. Lord knows Amazon can afford it.
Good for them. Maybe Bezos will get off his high horse and actually pay his employees a fair wage and treat them like actual, real human beings. Hope they kick the crap out of Amazon.
Good! Bezos & his whatever you’d call ‘miss cups overflowing’ need their trillions of dollars to launch more rockets and blow holes in the ozone. Their workers should dumpster dive to eat. They can just wrap a tarp around themselves to keep themselves warm.
No offense but Amazon ain't shit no more. I ordered a prime package that took two weeks to get here. It took so long I ordered it off Walmart and it got here two days later. They took my order, sat on it for a week and a half and then shipped it (Amazon did), so I let my membership expire.
I’ve started ordering from Target and Walmart or directly from companies. Amazon deliberately changed their shipping time to save money. But they still charge the same for Prime memberships. I would love to see Bezos’ empire crumble.
I ended my Prime membership years ago because it seemed like overnight they went from 2 day delivery to 3-4 week delivery. Now, if I order something, I pick free (non-prime) shipping and just forget about it. Sometimes it comes in a couple days and sometimes it is a month later. It's a surprise!
Look, I’m all for the strike, but will you please deliver the coffee I just ordered first. My wife will be pissed at me if it doesn’t get here before our Christmas brunch party this weekend. I’m an idiot and didn’t plan far enough ahead. Then, strike away.
Biden isn't proworker and has hurt strikes in the past so I get it. Trump isn't better but there were no good choices for regular people. Support the strike ❤️
ARPA in 2021 saved the pensions of millions of USW & Teamsters. He revitalized the NLRB, which helped Amazon (and others!) to unionize with supportive rulings. Signed an EO to keep fed contractors out of unionization efforts. He fought for the PRO Act & higher min wage but the GOP is anti union.
Oh no. I guess I am going to have to order a few items and then leave a review that let's them know that if they would pay their employees a fair wage, my items would arrive sooner. I'm tired of subsidizing greedy CEO's.
if he's got a spare $Million to donate to
MadDon's Inauguration, he can damn well afford a raise
for his workers.💪
I’m done caring what happens with union voters until they quit voting against their own interests. Force Sean O’Brien out and I’ll consider supporting this strike. Until then, enjoy the conditions you voted for.
What a joke.
After all the nonsense going on recently, I’m letting my Prime membership expire. I’ve been an Amazon customer since they launched as a book website.
Get the B@stards.
And the workers who are voluntarily members of labor unions are even fewer.
Get your better pay and working conditions, Amazon workers.