Lots of people still have faith. They just don't want to have anything to do with organised religion and all the extreme views that seem to go hand in hand with it.
Well, religion is entirely made up by humans because anxiety of death is too much to deal with, AND it doubles as a convenient way to manipulate and control people - so this is likely a good thing 🔥
I mean, when “Christians” are supposedly for Trump, it’s the fastest way to end a religion. Trump is a deranged narcissist and they destroy everything they touch.
Maybe they’ll make a rebound in #s after reading the made in China $99 Trump Bible. I hear it’s on sale and selling fast.
Nobody asked me, but I think seeing Christian men in government have zero accountability for their atrocious personal behaviors, their public policies, and the laws they passed is going to hasten the decline of Christianity membership. -and everyone is also tired of no true Scotsman fallacy, so stop
After all the Republican “Christians” voted to starve children, kill off seniors, disabled and precondition people, and the religious sects mute, look for another drop.
On the plus side the number of Americans that vociferously claim to be Christians whilst exulting in inflicting multiple cruelties on their neighbours has absolutely rocketed.
So there is that.
I follow the words of St. Francis de Sales: "Be who you are and be that perfectly well." As far as I know, that means we should accept and support our LGBTQ+ friends and family members.
Being brow beat all my life by majorly Christian populations both in Michigan and in Georgia for 33 years by folks who said some pretty ugly things about myself and my peers kinda soured that feeling.
I have dear friends who identify as Christian but still Combat that overwhelming bigotry within
At this point it’s going to be very difficult to convince otherwise considering the gargantuan irreversible damage they’ve done to myself, my friends and loved ones.
I didn’t leave Christianity, if left me. Being raised and taught to love and cherish others but watching the actions of those who pay only lip service to its teachings made me lose my faith. If a child (me) could question why they say one thing and do something else that’s hateful, why wont adults?
It’s simple really, if you are a believer and have faith, you aren’t thinking logically and once you’ve crossed that bridge, you can no longer have faith.
I'm not writing this to change anybody's opinion but there are authentic Christians out there. I could write pages about how Biblically incorrect the Cino's are.
Having an imaginary sky daddy is a mental illness! When are people going to wake up to the fact that man invented gods and that indoctrinating children at an early age and scaring them into not questioning that god is the only reason religion still exists today!
The natural result of a religious group abusing its influence to impose widely hated policies on the rest of the country. When you force your beliefs on others, you virtually guarantee a giant “fuck you” in response.
The final straw for me was when my former pastor opined in a letter to me in 2002 that "God was using Muslims as the instruments of His divine wrath against a decadent America."
He had been the minister of my former church from 1956 to 1986, IIRC. Had I known that, behind the affable personality and apparent intellectual rigor (he was a graduate of Columbia University before going to seminary) was a toxic and evil person, I would have quit the church sooner.
Is that actual Christians or does it include the Christofascists hiding behind the cross and the flag to the opposite of what true Christians would do? And are Christofascists turning people away from Christianity?
i feel like its too late for christians to pull the true scotsman fallacy. its been blatantly obvious that christianity as a whole is a blight on humanity
Churches and religious organizations are generally exempt from income tax and receive other favorable treatment under the tax law; however, certain income of a church or religious organization may be subject to tax, such as income from an unrelated business. Source: IRS
This was clearly meant as snark but honestly I think we could tax a lot of universities as well. Many could operate tuition-free for decades, even centuries with all the billions upon billions they hoard, and yet somehow tuition increases outpace inflation every single year.
I don't think nonprofits should be taxed, but if we're going to tax churches, temples and mosques, we should tax, schools, museums, unions, charities, etc.
I know someone personally who has worked in the offices of multiple churches --- any many of them struggle to pay utilities, maintain the buildings and make repairs. There's no profit or extravagant spending at most houses of worship.
Why would anyone ever want to be a Christian? They exalt Trump as an example of their religion while telling everyone that’s not a straight white male they’re inferior.
I grew up in church and stopped going when I was 16. The fact that I no longer attend would have been abundantly apparent which is why you asked the question. But my entire family are Christians along with many friends. All Trump supporters and praise every actions he takes. Try again.
They are pretty much the average example of Christians in the US. They are Nazarene and Baptist. As I said this wouldn’t be limited to just my family since I have many friends with the same views or location. My family is spread out through Michigan, Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Georgia.
I was 10.
Raised in UCC. Confirmed, active, etc.
The preacher couldn't answer my questions.
Nor could parents.
So I sought my own answers.
Don't find the teachings factual, but I do see the lessons in interacting with others.
Similarly I find truth in Aesop, Mother Goose, and Dr. Seuss., etc.
Seeing how the US "christian" population seems to have embraced hatred, cruelty and hypocrisy, embodied in the likes of Trump, Musk, and their minions this doesn't seem like a big surprise.
When you can conveniently claim ‘God’ is on your side, just as Trump did for the attempted assassination (while killed an innocent bystander) then you are evil.
People are sick and tired of "Capitali$t Chri$tianity Inc" where ministers preach hate from the pulpit, ride around in limos and private jets, living in mansions, while their parishioners are browbeat into contributing all they have, even though they can't feed, clothe, or house themselves.
Much like with cigarettes, the institutions of religion prioritize the under 18 demographic to secure lifelong customers. To that end Project 2025 involves diverting public funding to religious schools through the voucher program.
That's a side effect of 50%+ of US Christian leaders being hypocritical atheists. The Megachurch (MAGAchurch?) pastors are out for their own wealth. The preachers ignoring Jesus actual teachings because He's too liberal.
Atheists pretending to lead the flock. It turns away people of faith.
another hidden and sinister part of the pro life/republican agenda is keeping marriage legal between adult men and children. please repost and flood their social media NOW and ask why they support archaic laws that allow them to exploit children.
i’m a lvl 60 disabled, cis white male that confronted them ALONE at PP for two years until 01.17.25 and these are direct quotes:
“14 is the ideal age for girls to be married”
“we want the ‘victim’ and the ‘predator’ to form a bond for the sake of the baby”
“come here alone again, you die”
I think a lot of people are simply tired of all the religious hypocrisy that has been shown by many of these churches. They claim to follow Jesus but ignore most of his teachings and seek only for their own glory and prosperity. Matthew 25:31-46 will haunt them.
Every damn MAGA in Congress proudly wears their "Christianity" on their sleeve and often put on public displays, yet they are the most vile, hypocritical, thugs. If that's how they define Christianity, miss me.
Both of those things make my skin crawl. The denial of facts is stunning to me. Unlike COVID measles is pretty damned obvious, there's no denying that, is there? I won't be surprised if someone blames it on Biden tbh.
Our pastor frequently complains “Christianity is under attack in America” but it’s an unfair claim. Christianity isn’t under attack. It’s the hypocrisy we act upon that creates self-inflicted wounds to Christianity.
Christianity isn’t declining because of persecution—it’s declining because too many who claim the label embrace cruelty over compassion. GOP “Christians” push greed, bigotry, and power while ignoring Jesus’ call to love, justice, and care for the vulnerable. Hypocrisy is the real issue.
I see a difference between real Christians (rather likable, inclusive, humble) and Christian Nationalists (exceedingly hateful, loud invasive cult which accidentally follows Satan).
As a Pastor (recently retired), I am unsurprised. Our media only cover so called "conservative Christians." If that were my only choice, I would deny being a Christian too. But there are still Christians who think they should be like Jesus, not Donald Trump.
When people yearn to find and have a relationship with Christ and are confronted with ‘religious leaders’ in this country, it should come as no surprise.
They exist, they’re just harder to notice because they’re busy being compassionate and selfless rather than going around telling everyone how good a Christian they are.
Good. It’s a religion that was stolen from other preexisting religions which were ancient and outmoded even then. In fact it’s fanatical Christians that are largely to blame for the thrust Republican Party has taken the last half century. And also why we have the shit show in DC now.
The "fake Christians" you speak of are also Christians.
Maybe they’ll make a rebound in #s after reading the made in China $99 Trump Bible. I hear it’s on sale and selling fast.
After all the Republican “Christians” voted to starve children, kill off seniors, disabled and precondition people, and the religious sects mute, look for another drop.
Remember, the Pope is being kept alive through science and trained doctors
Not tots and pears.
So there is that.
Big mystery as to why anyone doesn't wanna be part of that.
I have dear friends who identify as Christian but still Combat that overwhelming bigotry within
At this point it’s going to be very difficult to convince otherwise considering the gargantuan irreversible damage they’ve done to myself, my friends and loved ones.
If you want a good read, here's an example:
Again, I'm not trying to change anybody's mind. I strongly disagree with them as well. Both of these articles help explain the split in the church.
Man is pure evil in my book
Where'd you hear that?
And Carnegie Foundation?
And the Getty museum?
The rich guy on TV is not the typical thing.
Except them, right?
I've never heard anyone at any church extol Trump as a good example of a Christian.
Have you ever heard that at a church you attended?
Raised in UCC. Confirmed, active, etc.
The preacher couldn't answer my questions.
Nor could parents.
So I sought my own answers.
Don't find the teachings factual, but I do see the lessons in interacting with others.
Similarly I find truth in Aesop, Mother Goose, and Dr. Seuss., etc.
Whoever wrote this post either did not read the study or did not have the background to understand it or worse
If voters actually demanded proof, your life would be far better today.
There is a disgusting infestation of identity politics, nationalism and racism in virtually all religion
It’s nice when you come across a REAL Christian. They’re pretty cool.
Today's Christians ignore Jesus.
Atheists pretending to lead the flock. It turns away people of faith.
“14 is the ideal age for girls to be married”
“we want the ‘victim’ and the ‘predator’ to form a bond for the sake of the baby”
“come here alone again, you die”
Stop the TITHE TODAY!!
#Embrace #Atheism
perspective is Everything
peace✌🏼& love♥️