Fascism often seeks to manipulate and subvert the legal system to serve the interests of the ruling party and its leader, undermining the principles of justice and equality before the law.
A legal framework that prioritizes the regime's power over individual rights and democratic processes.
Imagine that. The most corrupt & fascist admin in American history, led by a malignant narcissist who lives for vengeance, is targeting judges & lawyers who make decisions they don't agree with. 🙄😡
Many Americans have put their faith in the judiciary to save the nation from 🍊💩's excesses. Sorry to inform you: that faith is misplaced.
🍊💩 IS NOW THE LAW. Thank SCOTUS for that.
EXACTLY! It makes NO sense! The people refusing to do anything are the ones who become worthless and obsolete if the system collapses. They are only good at navigating our laws. If the people stop recognizing the government, they lose everything. I hate this timeline.
I feel like the American Bar Association should be well-equipped to lead a judicial charge against Trump. Why should a “president” be allowed to target and threaten judges, when the association that oversees our judges and lawmakers exists? FIGHT👏🏽 BACK 👏🏽
Congress needs to remove him from office. He is clearly incapable of stopping himself, and I don’t know how much of this country he plans to leave when his little tirade and pillaging expedition is over.
A lot. The military isn’t a primary branch of government. As long as the Judicial branch continues to take trump and the GOP to task, when we flip the Legislative branch (which we can do), then we can really start tearing into this administration. It’s going to take time and effort. We must fight.
Yes, sadly, they go after anybody that doesn’t kiss their ass or give them a bribe or a kickback. If Dean Wormer were here, he would say, “Vindictive, vengeful and ignorant are no way to run a presidency son.”
It’s not a matter of “following the law.” Determined lawyers can throw sand in the gears of Trump’s attempts to derail our agencies and economy by litigation and delay. We know how to do that better than anyone. That’s exactly what Trump’s lawyers did.
The ABA should have started that YEARS AGO with the disbarring of Giuliani and Barr for violating codes of professional ethics and bringing much shame to, and doubt of veracity to the profession of law.
Unfortunately, this is what the second amendment is for. It’s the ultimate failsafe worst-case-scenario. I keep hoping the republicans wake up, but it seems like they have no interest in upholding their oath of office.
When will anyone in corporate media address the fascist nature of targeting judges and lawyers, of cutting funding to major research universities, of curtailing free speech, right to privacy, and freedom of the press?
That is a good question, and my concern is MSM has become an arm of the state propaganda network for the most part. Real news is left up to independent journalist who still have integrity.
It’s not “the Trump Administration”, it’s the “the Trump regime”.
Why call it an “administration” when the next sentence says they do what authoritarian REGIMES do.
You are absolutely correct....I REFUSE TO CALL THIS AN ADMINISTRATION EVER,... IT WILL ONLY BE REFERRED TO AS A REGIME , in my little 1.5 acres of the world. 😁
McConnell was the beginning of the downfall when he refused to confirm Obama’s nominations. This is so despicable. I am disgusted with the republicans in congress. I never want to hear them talk about patriotism ever again. Having 500 flags doesn’t make you a patriot, defending against tyranny does.
Ron Reagan Administration Hatched this. Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation, ALEC, Focus on Family... Paul Wayrich, Reagan.. Public Choice Billionaires money.
Niemoller, like the vast majority of German Protestants, supported the persecution of the Jews, the Gypsies, the handicapped and the gays. His poem is a genuine confessional, and he did beg for forgiveness for his actions, long after millions had died.
Anyone willing to admit their failings and then willing to learn from them, is trying to be a batter person. Better people make greater, fairer, stable societies. Long may they exist.
Martin did more than admit his failings, he narrowly survived months in the camps for opposing the Reich, and he was a profoundly changed man afterwards. His story should be a wayfinder for today’s Christian nationalists.
The last place in this country where the truth matters a damn is in the court room. Like when Giuliani melted in the sun screaming fraud, but in the court room had to admit there was none. It’s the last place with consequences for liars. That’s why they attack the courts. Sad day in America.
No kidding. 🤨 It’s annoying how so many are either acting surprised, act like they weren’t indifferent or “both sided” DT contributing to the destruction of Democracy.
Right, they need to enforce the law and decisions they’ve ruled on! I don’t understand why Trump just gets to say “I disagree” and all of the sudden courts act like they can’t arrest someone and put them in jail for breaking the law and ignoring rulings. They all need to grow spines.
Unfortunately he appears to have the majority of congress and the Supreme Court up his butt. They need to fix this or his voters will lash out again. They’re just itching for a re-do of January 6th.
SUPER illegal! If you or I did any one thing on his rap sheet, we’d have been locked up for at least 20 years. I am so sick of nobody ever holding him accountable for his criminal behavior!
Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Majority Leader John Thune refused to unequivocally state that court orders must be obeyed. This is beyond alarming. Maybe we need something higher than five alarms?
Trump is saying "The strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must". This seems like an obvious statement of fact, but it is a suicide note that will destroy the nation.
Now it applies to judes.
Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War can show how.
Putin wants from USA:
1) Crash US economy
2) Anger allies
3) Weaken NATO
4) Neville-Chamberlain Ukraine's land
5) Ally with dictators in UN for the first time
6) Stop Russian sections
7) Normalize relations
8) Attacked US government
a) Civil Service
b) Inspectors General
c) JAG
Checked off all !
A legal framework that prioritizes the regime's power over individual rights and democratic processes.
Phone shy? NBD use 5 calls to help you out. 5 calls will walk you through the whole process of contacting your reps start to finish.
🍊💩 IS NOW THE LAW. Thank SCOTUS for that.
… in the original German.
It was good for them and it will be for us.
It's only been two months and the answer is clear.
For example, as a Jew, I have been refused service.
But, there was always recourse.
Under Trump, the path to recourse is disappearing.
Donald Trump
Why call it an “administration” when the next sentence says they do what authoritarian REGIMES do.
I it is almost as if people had been warned for the Last Eight Years.
Control Civil Service.
Remove Inspectors General.
Remove JAG.
Replace Joint Chiefs.
Replace FBI, DOJ.
250 years of democracy is about to end.
Can anyone name something bad Hitler did in 1933, where Trump is not currently attempting something similar?
Now it applies to judes.
Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War can show how.
1) Crash US economy
2) Anger allies
3) Weaken NATO
4) Neville-Chamberlain Ukraine's land
5) Ally with dictators in UN for the first time
6) Stop Russian sections
7) Normalize relations
8) Attacked US government
a) Civil Service
b) Inspectors General
c) JAG
Checked off all !