To be really honest from the outside it very much looks like the military doesn't care less, they are probably all happy that trump it's getting ready for another war...go murica go...just like the ruzzians their house it's burning and they do the what should be done...another war somewhere else LOL
If you read what I wrote, not if Dem Leadership called for a unanimous vote from Congressional Dems MANDATING: Generals & Admirals honor the OATH: To Defend the Constitution from SELF-EVIDENT GOP DOMESTIC ENEMIES, and take all, from Putin's Puppet down, into military custody for a Military Tribunal!
Every employee of the US has taken an oath to defend the constitution: Most of them are not doing their Jobs: HOW TO DETHRONE PRESIDENT MUSH FOR BRAINS
I’ve been saying this all along. It may come down to true patriots in the military to defend our constitution and therefore our democracy. After Trump ignores court orders and the DOJ orders US Marshals to stand down on enforcing those orders, it’s the last line of defense. #ImpeachTrump
It’s wild how he got a bond at all seeing how he has more money than any bondsman will make in their entire lifetime. The point in paying bond is so that now you are financially invested you won’t run. Elon musk spent 46 billion to erase a picture of him and Maxwell. They have money to spare.
The problem is Dems play by the rules,,, so he left it to Garland who fucking blew, Biden should have shit canned Garland and a ton of fucked up DOJ and FBI agents appointed by Trump...If he had appointed John Flannery or my friend Richard Painter...this would not be happening.
Exactly, or when he snuck out the back door of the white house on the 20th! Because as soon as Joe was sworn in he should of had the order there and signed it!
just unreal