Some great classic PS2 RPGs that are not Final Fantasy! If you have any to recommend, feel free to join in!
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Living the LotR story as a support cast for the Fellowship of the Ring is one of the most amazing experiences ever.
...I still played an ungodly amount of it to get the platinum on the PS4 version though
I did admittedly use exploits when it came to raising fish for the races but my duped fish LORD DEATH MAN cleaned house.
I still judge games that don't have detailed fishing and minigolf minigames.
I wonder how cheap PS5 is right now?
So go get em 😎
But there were a lot of good ones. Even early games like Ephemeral Fantasia had an odd charm.
If I had a complete PS2, I'd still sell it, it's not about wanting one, it's about wanting those games on something else lol. Can't be doing with the emulation route either, sigh.
It had a system of challenges for extra XP in combat that any open world game could benefit by lifting wholesale.
Yes I know a game made out of a movie which is an adaptation of a book seems like it can hit right with RPGs but guess what ?
It did ! And with some nice idea, story might not be the most original thing ever and full of fan service but
And so much others small little ideas that made it a good rpg
Like the best I can hope for is Gamecube NSO.
It is the same reason I loved Xenogears
I am hoping some day Square redoes Xenogears or at least gives us the original vision.
Final Fantasy VII is my favorite but I think Xenogears is their greatest work had they finished it.