I hope I end up with a man who can cook. Like REALLY cook. That Levi girl on Instagram is so lucky her boyfriend can cook. I never wanna cook or drive again once Im out these streets. 😂
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I ended up with a man who not only cooks, but also cleans the kitchen, does the laundry, does the grocery shopping, cleans the house, DVRs shows and movies I might like, and makes me laugh every day, just for starters. He's so damn great that I've been accused of lying about how wonderful he is.
Do you have my husband? Lol I have nothing to complain about when other women start talking about their husbands never doing anything. It’s a bit awkward.😬
I'd ask if they might be related, but 99% of my husband's relatives are red-hat-wearing idiots, which they now wear in place of their old white hoods. He's one of the few who escaped that stupidity.
When other women complain about their husbands, I just smile and make emphatic noises.
That's my husband! He does 98% of the cooking. Haven't found a dish he can't cook. I love being able to be like, let's have chicken tikka masala or something and he can do it.
A man who can cook is going to be a little disgusted and disappointed or at least disillusioned if his partner can’t cook decently too, even if not on his level. I’m an excellent chef which is why I say this. Nobody wants to feel used just for their cooking.
Do you hold the same standard for a woman being disappointed her male partner can’t cook? You’re not wrong that’s it’s exhausting to always be the only one who can/does cook, but your baseline assumption seems to be lopsided.
That's literally what women have to deal with in the majority of their relationships though. I pray you hold the same sentiments towards men who "use women just for their cooking".
Hell yeah I do! I think people who can’t cook, men or women, are just lazy and sad. I feel preparing food is an innate an important activity across every culture and I can’t understand how adults can be so ill equipped to feed themselves.
Preparing food to feed oneself and being a chef are two different things.
My spouse can cook his ass off.I hate it and refuse to do it. On the other hand, I am exceedingly organized and the things I manage would fall apart in his hands.
People bring different strengths and skills to relationships.
What? So if I can’t cook I have nothing else to offer. But also I can and do cook. Bake too. It just sounds like you don’t want to do something you consider what a woman should be able to do in a relationship. 😒
3rd or 4th date (but have a friend know where you are) - he cooks at HIS place. While you watch so he doesn't cheat & order in. Also you get to see his space & how he maintains it. So you know he cooks AND cleans (or at least pass someone to clean).
My husband is a chef. I cook most of our meals because I don’t want him to come home from work and work some more. His days off are the best days of the week.
I got one of those. My mother when I told her I wanted a man who could cook she laughed. I’m getting the last laugh. He make homemade pasta and lots of other delicious things.
My wife scored in that way, and very few others. Like, sure, I'll put together a 5 star luxury meal for no other reason than 'it's Wednesday and I'm bored', but also get ready for me to infodump the WHOLE TIME about Warhammer or some niche movie trivia nobody but me cares about.
When other women complain about their husbands, I just smile and make emphatic noises.
My spouse can cook his ass off.I hate it and refuse to do it. On the other hand, I am exceedingly organized and the things I manage would fall apart in his hands.
People bring different strengths and skills to relationships.
There's something hostile, almost pathological, about your manner and I decline to interact with you further.
Or date women, that usually works too. 😂
And you mentioned driving.
I can’t remember the last time put gas in my car. My husband is a gem and you reminded me with this post!
I am 2 for 2.