At first I read this as someone else saying ‘no’ and that took me on a whole mental trip for a solid minute about how people don’t want to hear war stories but listen anyway to comfort the war fighter and how without the listener the war fighter doesn’t get the therapy they need…I need a moment now.
That’s what I thought after looking at it a second time. Still a little sad that the vet seem to want or need to share and not being provided the space for that. As another posted on my thread that basically they may exaggerate excessively and the other person just had enough.
Also a sad take. So many times as an amateur genealogist I’ve heard “oh we will get their story recorded one day”. The day never comes and the history is lost with the elderly. Also sad the other way that the younger may find this story redundant or the elderly accepting the redundant reluctance.
Nothing to do, nothing to do
Put some mustard in your shoe
Drive a nail in your foot
Fill your pocket with some soot.
Put some jelly in your hair
spread it, spread it everywhere
Nothing to do, nothing to do
--Shel Silverstein
Talk about living entirely in subtext. This is actually tragic af. In five short lines he told the story of a vet wanting to talk about his life and being casually dismissed, passively accepting his sacrifice as old news nobody cares about anymore. So much said with so little.
I was unfamiliar with your game.
and before the street begins
Put some mustard in your shoe
Drive a nail in your foot
Fill your pocket with some soot.
Put some jelly in your hair
spread it, spread it everywhere
Nothing to do, nothing to do
--Shel Silverstein
I guess he was jealous.