Yeah, I’m just not convinced ‘masculine’ clothing in the workplace is an issue either way. Zuckerberg just looks—to borrow a term from 15th century Parisians—like a dickhead.
I am sorry to slander this man but this outfit gives an even stronger vibe of "I am about to say something borderline offensive about 'the mrs'" than a suit and tie
still think these masterpieces weren't given a fair chance by the working community. perhaps because the expense of putting wider lift doors in everywhere was felt to be prohibitive:
Even I, a man who once got mistaken for an employee of BrewDog by a group of American tourists, think that guy looks like a particularly toxic hipster bell end.
* and no, these are not AI generated!
Socks £7.99 (Under Armour)
Trousers (found in skip)
String belt (model's own)
T-shirt £2 (Dogs Trust)
Zip thru cardie (model's grandad's)
Jacket £10 (British Heart Foundation)
Neckerchief £1.49 (eBay)
[Me for the FT]